Wiki page Project 1 – Audio Project (Using Audacity)
Image Project- Part 1 (Using Inkscape) – wall paper Image Project- Part 2 (GIMP) – 6 images Image project- Part 3 & 4 Inkscape Projects – Logo- Atlanta Blood Donation Association GIMP project- images Design a 2D animation using GIMP – Needs your organ donation!
3-D Project (Using Blender)- Blender T1 to T9 Video Video
Introduction- Hyper Text Markup Language HTML Basics (Part 1) HTML Basics (Part 2) Hyperlink Tables Webpage Multimedia
Movie Project (Using Youtube)
Motivation-With Blender as a creation tool, it can motivate me to create new ideas. Original idea- My main original idea for Blender and movie projects with the highest quality. Challenges- I have recently finished Blender T1-T9 and movie projects. I experienced different kinds of difficulties. Team work- Effective idea, sharing workload, mutual creativity, and common objective.
Demonstrate creativity in 3D animation Demonstrate critical thinking in movie project Demonstrate effective use of Inkscape and Gimp’s tools Demonstrate develop personal wiki page, audacity, and web page Interaction with classmates for discussion and team work project
Movie project Wiki Online tutorials Inkscape
Movie- Make storyboard, Audacity, clip Wiki page- text message, graphic, link to another GGC wiki page GIF, Animation- use inkscape to create wall paper design logo, and Gimp to make photo effects Blender animation- use MOV file to create 3D Light, color, moving, and rotate objects Web- Hyperlink, table & personal webpage
Nothing I hate about this class In contrast, I love this class which improve my online independent learning skills Developing my oral presentation ability Enhancing self-study Overall, I am satisfied with this course