By: Jennifer / 7.4
Magnesium ( Mg ) Atomic number: 12 Melting point: 648.8ºC Boiling point: 1090ºC It is a metal
Magnesium is discovered by Sir Humphrey Davy in 1808
Light Strong Silvery-white Burns with a bright white flame
Is magnesium dangerous to the environment? NO Magnesium is not dangerous to the environment. On the contrary, magnesium is essential for plants and animal nutrition
UUsed as a reducing agent UUsed in medicines UUsed in fireworks to add white sparks to the fireworks
Magnesium is the 8 th most abundant element in the earth Used in pyrotechnic and incendiary devices Magnesium is also found in our daily food.
F OOD RICH IN MAGNESIUM Green vegetables Seafood Potatoes Peanut butter Bananas Lima beans Kidney beans Seeds Nuts Soy products Whole grains Dairy products
Helmenstine, Annie M. “Elements in Fireworks.” Chemistry. 22 April 2010 Helmenstine, Annie M. “Magnesium Facts.” Chemistry. 21 April 2010 Putatunda, Rita. “Magnesium Facts.” 25 April 2010 “Magnesium-Mg.” Water Treatment Solutions Lenntech. 25 April 2010
“Alkaliska jordarsmetaller. Borgruppen.” Magnus Ehingers undervisning. 25 April 2010 “Freelance Photographer.” Jim Stone. 25 April 2010 “Health.” Softpedia. 25 April 2010
“Ingleses Famosos.” Principal. 25 April 2010 “Where Is Magnesium Found?” FaqNation. 25 April 2010 “Magnesium.” Polmag. 25 April 2010
“Things that Go Boom in the Night: The Art and Science of Fireworks.” TMS. 25 April 2010 “Thermite Reaction.” webshots. 25 April 2010 “Demonstrations.” Navigation Bar. 25 April 2010