Sinhwa-Steel Park Min Woo
SINHWA-Steel Located in Changwon Produce the Various Steel product
Product 1.Section Shape Steel 2.Steel Pipe 3.Bar Steel 4.Steel Plate
Steel Plate - Hot Rolled Plate Hot Rolled Plate Metals at temperatures above the recrystallization temperature to a rolling Use : Pipe, Automobile-chassis, Container, Cold Rolled Plate ☆ Making Cold Rolled Plate : Washing the Metal with chemical meterial.(like HCl) and rolling the metal on the cold-strip-mill or reverse mill. -increases the strength via strain hardening and improves the surface finish. -but more expensive
Hot Rolled Plate [Slab] Heating slab for suitable temperature Decrese thickness and modify width for Consumer Make Sheet metal like coil shape. Final Shaping process
Section Shape Steel Section Shape Steel (Structural steel) Specific cross-sectional shape Steel. Widely used in Structure.
Process of Section Shape Steel & Bar Steel 1.Electric Arc Furnace ( 전기로 ) 2.Ladle Furnace ( 정련 ) 3.Continuous Casting ( 연속주조 ) Melt scrap metal in Electric Arc Furnace Refining the molten metal. Adjust the metal chemical composition and Remove impurities( 불순물 ) Molten metal into the mold and Cooling by water. Make half-finished products( 반제품 )
Process of Section Shape Steel & Bar Steel 4.Reheating Furnace ( 가열로 ) 5.Break-Down Mill ( 조압연 ) 6.Finishing Mill &Cooling bed ( 사상압연 & 냉각상 ) Final Shaping & Cooling Heating slab for suitable temperature The half-finished products is passing through between two rolls. and apply pressure to the product. Depending on the shape of groove of rolls, shape of the product is determined.
Process of Section Shape Steel & Bar Steel 7.Roller Straightener ( 교정기 ) 8.Cold Saw ( 절단기 ) 9.Binding Machine ( 결속기 ) Improving the Flatness and straightness of the cooled product. Cutting the product To fit the dimensions who Consumers want. Bind the product to fit KS standard Amount
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