How to create and maintain teacher’s personal webpage under Schoolwires Parkmont demo-2
Getting start Open a browser (IE, Firefox, etc), load the Parkmont school website Click on the "Sign In" button on the upper- most-right corner Click on Edit to start edit/modify your welcome page
What you type is what you will see on your welcome page. Try use interesting fonts and pictures, click “save” to save the changes
Here’s all the current pages you have, and their status (active, inactive) Click here to create a new page Click here for tutorials & helps
Here’s all the tutorials and help information
When you click on new page, here’s all the new page types you can choose as template
Here’s an example of the Homework page. Besides putting the homework policy, you can put the class homework assignments of this week, for example.
Create your own special project page. Such as this “Postcard Exchange” project page. Editing and format are free-style.
Create a new assignment page here. Each assignment has a Title, Category, date-assigned, Due-date field.
Create your own Web Resource pages. You can link the other useful websites to here. Such as “Spelling” & “Math” page