Market Performance Category 1Category 2 52 Weeks+3%+4% 12 Weeks+1%+9% CategoryCategory 2 52 Weeks+10%+18% 12 Weeks+9%+19%
Household Penetration
Category Drivers: Our Product is #1 in Consumer Investment $12 million
Even if you are on the right track, you will get run over if you just stand there!
Some Thoughts
Branding & Investment Innovation& PACE Innovation & PACE NewSegments New Segments Partnership Consumer & Category Expertise Category Expertise
Power of Packaging Opportunity Business Importance Growth Innovation & Leadership Category & Consumer News First to Market
Power of Packaging Packaging Drivers FRESHNESS –Desire a box that shuts, seals in freshness STORAGE SPACE –Consumer lack sufficient space in their cupboard and prefer compact and stackable boxes EASE OF USE –Convenience, easy to use packaging with minimal fuss
The right choice for Our Product The new carton format has Strong Consumer Appeal New Carton Format Current Format Overall opinion6644 Purchase Interest7252 Package Appeal9046 Innovative Design9046 Easy to open and close8644 Retain freshness of the tea7246 Convenient to use8854 Different from other brands9466 Fits with brand9056 Environmentally Friendly8470 High quality brand8660 Truly new and different from other brands7850 Has a great taste8252 Is a brand worth paying extra for6242 The new carton was strongly preferred over the current box format on all measures. Top 3 box scores: % of respondents rating product appeal an “8, 9 or 10 on a 10-point scale. Research International