Sept. 23, 2011 Thank you for a great year! Now… “Planning with the End in Mind”
Student Council Update First District SGA Meeting – September 9th Back to School Skate Party - September 24 th Pep Rally – September 30 th Reynolds Right Hands Incorporation - Tuesday August 16 th David Maus Sponsorship Washington D.C. NOYS Summit – October 15 th -17th Speedbump Interview EUDL - Enforcing Underage Drinking Laws National Conference Panther Pals 9 th Grade Elections Jefferson Awards
Curriculum Committee Junior Achievement supports –Crooms’ 4 year career plan —9 th grade program starts March th grade program starts Oct th grade Job Shadowing Program-in progress --12 th summer internship—in development Teach In Day – November 15, 2011 Tech Fest/Field Day/LanFest – March 2, 2012 Need speakers, sponsors, 2 keynote speakers Senior Exit Interviews- 124 seniors Interviews begin Nov. 28 – Dec. 5, 2011 Need interviewers to sign up now. Committee Meeting: September 28, 2011 in Conf. Rm 201 at 8 a.m.- 9 a.m.
Experimental Science Class Need mentors for student projects. Web Design Class Need 2 more nonprofit groups to create websites for them. Teacher Request for support
Job Shadowing/Internship Committee 3 field trips needed this year….dates available Oct. 21, 2011 Oct. 28, 2011 Nov. 18, 2011 Dec. 1, 2011—IITSEC (6-chaperones needed) Dec. 9, Astronics DME Corp. Jan. 13, 2012 Jan. 20, 2012 Feb. 3, 2012-Sanford Regional Chamber of Commerce Feb. 9, 2012-
Internship Development Identify slots for the 2012 Summer Session March & April Post Job Descriptions May Begin the interviews June Summer Internship Begins Requirements for employers offering positions: Minimum of 150 hours for full credit Preferred Paid Positions but Non Paid is now acceptable $8-$10/hr Need support to identify Internship slots for 2012
Marketing/Membership Committee Business Advisory Council website Business Partners Tours—4 th Thursday of the month 9/22, 10/27, 1/26, 2/23,4/26 8:00-9:00 a.m. 12:00-1:00 p.m. BAC Action Item: Encourage membership.
Scholarship Committee Crooms Scholarship Foundation Endowment Current Balance- 25, as of 9/23/2011 Plans for the endowment???? In addition to scholarships awarded to seniors: $2, $2, $2, $2, $4, $3, $4,500
Scholarship Committee…cont. Grants awarded this year: BPA support$ 250 Principal Support$ 1,000 Student Ambassadors$ 250 Dividends Program$ 250 Mentor Program$ 250 BAC Intern $ 500 SCPS Foundation$ 5,000 Grand Total $49, Grand total of scholarship -- $47,439.21
2011 Scholarship Recipients
School/Business Dividend’s Application-update Business Partnership Agreement Business Partners Breakfast-Oct. 21 at 7:30 a.m. Wayne Densch Discovery Center at the Central Florida Zoo. NAF Dinner Auction-March 3 at Downtown Sheraton
Fundraising Committee Tech Fest V raised $17,300 “Thank You’s” for Tech Fest V Symantec Corporation Convergys, Dell, NCS, Driftwood Hospitality Mgmt., Seminole County Woman Newspaper EA, Apple, Yard Barber, Lockheed Martin UCF, DeVry University, Keiser University, SSC, ITT Technical Institute, IADT, ERAU Air Force, Army, Stack Frame, Electric Data System Inc., SRI Grand total raised with all TF events $71,500
Fundraising Committee Tech Fest VI Goal - $15,000 + in-kind donations Important Dates: Tech Fest VI---March 2, 2012 Save the Date Communication – September 23, 2011 Send Sponsor Package – Sept. 30, 2010 What we need…. Fundraising Committee members Set our kickoff meeting date and cadence Specific area sponsors (next slide)
Sponsorships Needed: Teach In Day Sponsor - $500 Tech Fest VI Sponsors-various levels Tech Fest VI Banner Sponsor-$350 Tech Fest VI Luncheon Sponsor-$500 Tech Fest VI Program Sponsor - $600 BAC Appreciation Luncheon-$500
Unfinished/New Business Professional Portfolio Project-Budget Proposed Budget
Business Advisory Council - Financial Report Proposed BAC Budget : Aug June 2012 Beginning of Year Balance: $ 17, Income: Donations/Pledges: $ - Grants/Inkind Services $ 5, TechFest/Sponsors: $ 15, Other Income: $ - Total Income: $ 20, Total Income Plus Balance Forward: $ 37, Expenses: Business/School Liaison $ Curriculum $ 1, Fundraising $ 1, Job Shadowing/Internship $ 2, Marketing/Membership $ 1, Scholarships/Grants $ 10, Other Expenses $ - Reserve Account $ 20, Total Expenses: $ 37, Net Income/Expenses $ - * *(This report does not reflect the $25, that is in SCPS Foundation)
What’s Next? Please pick a committee to support. Marketing-Tina Holden Scholarship-Kevin Jackson Job Shadowing/Internship-Cathy Alper Curriculum-Demetria Hayes Fundraising-Lou Reents Save the events and dates: BAC Meetings-4 th Fridays of the month: Sept. 23, 2011 Nov. 18, 2011 Jan. 27, 2012 March 16, 2012***Changed due to Spring Break May 25, 2012 June 1, 2012-BAC Appreciation Luncheon Business Partners Breakfast-Oct. 21 at 7:30 a.m. Wayne Densch Discovery Center at the Central Florida Zoo. Tech Fest VI—March 2, 2012 NAF Dinner Auction—March 3, 2012 downtown Sheraton Crooms Awards Night—??? Graduation—May 30, 2012 at Bob Carr