Stop Homophobic Bullying An assembly from BLAH LGBT+ Youth and Hate Free Norfolk
A Helping Hand / Let’s start with a stretch! Stretch your arms up to the ceiling, as high as you can / Now bring your writing hand down in front of your face / Imagine on each finger & thumb the name of a person you would talk to if you were being bullied / Let’s start with a stretch! Stretch your arms up to the ceiling, as high as you can / Now bring your writing hand down in front of your face / Imagine on each finger & thumb the name of a person you would talk to if you were being bullied
Same Love / We’re going to watch a music video / Same Love is by hiphop artists Macklemore and Ryan Lewis, featuring Mary Lambert / It was created to support the campaign for Equal Marriage in the USA / We’re going to watch a music video / Same Love is by hiphop artists Macklemore and Ryan Lewis, featuring Mary Lambert / It was created to support the campaign for Equal Marriage in the USA
Same Love / Click here to watch the video on Youtube Click here to watch the video on Youtube / Click here to watch the video on Youtube Click here to watch the video on Youtube
Homophobia / Homophobia is hatred and fear of gay people / Homophobic bullying is bullying people because they are gay or you think they’re gay / Bullying can be verbal, physical, psychological / It can be in person or via mobile phones and the internet (cyber-bullying) / Homophobia is hatred and fear of gay people / Homophobic bullying is bullying people because they are gay or you think they’re gay / Bullying can be verbal, physical, psychological / It can be in person or via mobile phones and the internet (cyber-bullying)
Homophobic Bullying in Norfolk / The BLAH LGBT+ Youth Group asked young people to tell them about their experiences of being bullied at school / Here are some of the things they said… / The BLAH LGBT+ Youth Group asked young people to tell them about their experiences of being bullied at school / Here are some of the things they said…
/ “When I was 12 I came out as bisexual to my mum. I then came out later to friends in high school. Words got round school and it turned into public humiliation…I couldn’t help that I was born this way. Just like no- one can help being born disabled, all I wanted was to be accepted…”
/ “The bullying would come in waves; it began with words but then would be physical, a smack around the back of the head whilst I walked down the corridor, my bag would be ripped out of my hand and emptied…I broke down in front of my mum and poured out all my feelings and pain, I wish I had done it sooner”
/ I always knew that I was gay from aged 13. Some people ask how can anyone know so young but you just do…the main reason I didn’t talk to anyone about it was the negative comments about other gay people; I remember someone calling Will Young a poof and everyone laughing about it. I didn’t want anyone laughing at me…”
/ My story came to a happy end when my head of house heard about the bullying and came down on the girls like a tonne of bricks. Over time I started building my confidence of who I was”
Bullying: Report It / If you or someone you know is being bullied, make sure you report it / It will be taken seriously / We want to be a Hate-Free Norfolk School: everyone is welcome here / We will not tolerate homophobic bullying / If you or someone you know is being bullied, make sure you report it / It will be taken seriously / We want to be a Hate-Free Norfolk School: everyone is welcome here / We will not tolerate homophobic bullying
Hate Crimes / Homophobic bullying is an example of a Hate Crime or a Hate Incident
Hate Crimes / A Hate Crime is a crime committed against someone because of their identity A Hate Incident is an incident committed against someone because of their identity - it is a serious offence but it’s not necessarily a crime / A Hate Crime is a crime committed against someone because of their identity A Hate Incident is an incident committed against someone because of their identity - it is a serious offence but it’s not necessarily a crime
Hate Incident / Name calling is an example of a hate incident / Did you spot it in the film? / Name calling is an example of a hate incident / Did you spot it in the film?
Hate Crimes: Report it / If you suffer a hate crime or incident or witness one it is important to report it to the police. / We want to live in a Hate Free Norfolk where we are all safe to be ourselves / If you suffer a hate crime or incident or witness one it is important to report it to the police. / We want to live in a Hate Free Norfolk where we are all safe to be ourselves
Mind Your Language
That’s so gay / When you use the word gay as an insult e.g. “those trainers are gay” you can upset gay people and those who love them / It doesn’t matter if you don’t mean it - it still upsets people. / When you use the word gay as an insult e.g. “those trainers are gay” you can upset gay people and those who love them / It doesn’t matter if you don’t mean it - it still upsets people.
We all need to work together to stop homophobic bullying / It’s not just up to gay people to stop homophobic bullying / Archbishop Desmond Tutu who fought for equal rights for black people in South Africa says…. / It’s not just up to gay people to stop homophobic bullying / Archbishop Desmond Tutu who fought for equal rights for black people in South Africa says….
Support for young LGBT people / BLAH LGBT+ Youth can offer 1:1 support in person and via , & telephone / They also have Youth Groups across Norfolk and a secure Facebook Group / Their message to all young people is… / BLAH LGBT+ Youth can offer 1:1 support in person and via , & telephone / They also have Youth Groups across Norfolk and a secure Facebook Group / Their message to all young people is…