Products & Companys Our 3-D sketch The hungarian idea Products & Companys Our 3-D sketch
Roof windows Company’s name: Product’s name: Properties: RoofLITE Hive Slim-Line style Wide: 24mm U= 1,1W/m2K Wooden material,good heat keeping.
Roof insulation Company’s name: Product’s name: Properties: Isover Isover RIO Properties: glasswool D=0,036W/m2K flexible inflammable Fire Protection Class:A1
Roof Company’s name: Product’s name: Properties: Tegola Crushed tile Width:7mm
Wall insulation Company’s name: Kind of Product: Properties: Isover Wood structure with woodcolumns Properties: U = 0,10 W/m2K Width: 55cm
Wall cover Company’s name: Product’s name: Properties: Plastimo JSCo. Gypsum Fiber Properties: Bilateral Unilateral 2580x1220x100mm 2580x1220x70mm
Photovoltaic panel Company’s name: Product’s name: Properties: Solar Energy System kft. Product’s name: SPV 157 Properties: Dimension: 1580x808x50mm Cell Type: Monocrystalline Power rating: 175W Vmax: 1000V
Solar thermal collector Company’s name: Solar Energy System kft. Product’s name: Schücosol K Properties: Size: 2,32-2,15m SHC: 5310ws/m/C
Geothermal energy in Hungary 42-56 C°/km 2000m – 100C° 2500 km3 604,000PJ More than 100 thermal water-producing wells Most wide spread uses: Heating of:agricultural facilities, public and residential buildings Supply of: swimming pools and baths
Geothermal energy in Hungary
Heat Exchanger Company’s name: Product’s name: Properties: Stiebel Eltron Product’s name: LWZ 270 plus Properties: Air change: 50-350m2/h Consumption: 20-205W Size: 60x67x50 -14C° -> +5C°.
Chimney Company’s name: Schiedel Product’s name: Avant Properties:
Windowblind Company name’s: Product’s name: Poperties: Nyírfa Árnyékolás tech. Kft. Product’s name: Owal Plus Mosquito Poperties: 37x8mm max width: 1,70m max territory: 3,5m2 weight: 4kg
Laminated flooring Company’s name: Product’s name: Properties: Kindl Classic Properties: width: 7mm
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