UNESCO Desire – Net project Molten Carbonate Fuel Cells State of the Art & Perspectives State of the Art & Perspectives Angelo Moreno, Stephen McPhail ENEA – Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Project Rome, 13 th March 2007
Summary Fuel cell lessons programmeFuel cell lessons programme Hydrogen and fuel cellsHydrogen and fuel cells MCFC: cell, stack, system, plantMCFC: cell, stack, system, plant Difficulties, solutions, perspectivesDifficulties, solutions, perspectives
FC lessons programme 13 MarchMCFCENEA Moreno, McPhail 14 MarchMCFCAnsaldoParodi 29 MarchMCFCAnsaldoCapobianco 12 April MCFC System configurations ENEA Moreno, Cigolotti PEM/SOFC lessons in planning
H 2 production plant Fuel cell plant H2H2H2H2 Natural gas Filling station Depleted gas well Deep saline aquifer Power generation plant CO 2 CO 2 H2H2H2H2 Thermal solar Wind turbines Biomass PV plant Hydropower
Turbine avanzate Efficiency, % Plant size, MW SOFC-GT Steam turbines Diesel Gas engines Combined cycle turbines Internal combustion engines PAFC PEFC MCFC, SOFC 0, Microturbines Advanced turbines Fuel cells & competing technologies
Hydrogen and Fuel Cells
Hydrogen and Fuel Cells – Roadmap
Why Fuel Cells?
Chemical Energy Thermal conversion Work q loss CO 2 CO NO x SO x PM q loss H 2 O (CO 2 ) FUEL CELL CONVENTIONAL SYSTEM Fuel Cells – principle
Electric power Hydrogen (Fuel) Oxygen (air - oxidant) + heat water No thermal cycles Fuel Cells – principle No thermodynamic limitations (Carnot)
Electric power Hydrogen (Fuel) Oxygen (air - oxidant) + heat water Thermal efficiency Fuel Cells – principle for H 2 /O 2 reaction: H = kJ/mole G = kJ/mole With pure H 2 /O 2 : η = 0.83
Temperature: °C Efficiency: 60% State of the art technology: kW Market: Special applications (military, space) transportation Alkaline, AFC Temperature: °C Efficiency: 40-50% State of the art technology: 50 kW -1 MW plants up to 11 MW Applications: CHP, distributed generation Temperature: °C Efficiency: 40% State of the art technology: kW Applications:Transport Residential Premium power Remote generation Polymer elctrolyte, PEFC Temperature: °C Efficiency: 45-55% State of the art technology: 100 kW - 3 MW Applications: CHP, distributed generation (plants up to 20 MW) Molten carbonate, MCFC Temperature: °C Efficiency: % State of the art technology: 50 kW- 1 MW Applications: CHP, distributed generation (plants up to 20 MW, transport (APU) Solid oxide, SOFC Temperature: °C Efficiency: 30-40% State of the art technology: : < 1kW Applications:portable, electronics Direct methanol, DMFC Phosphoric acid, PAFC Fuel Cells – types
Anode H 2 + CO 3 = → H 2 O + CO e - Cathode 1/2 O 2 + CO e - → CO 3 = Water is produced at the anode side CO 2 is needed at the cathode side Temperature 650 °C ELECTROCHEMICAL REACTIONS MCFC – characteristics Electrolyte: combination of alkali carbonates – Li, K, Na
Anode H 2 + CO 3 = → H 2 O + CO e - Cathode 1/2 O 2 + CO e - → CO 3 = CO 2 is needed at the cathode side: Temperature 650 °C ELECTROCHEMICAL REACTIONS MCFC – characteristics Supply CO 2 from alternate source Produce CO 2 by combustion anode off-gas Transfer CO 2 fm anode exit to cathode inlet
Anode H 2 + CO 3 = → H 2 O + CO e - Cathode 1/2 O 2 + CO e - → CO 3 = Temperature 650 °C ELECTROCHEMICAL REACTIONS MCFC – characteristics CO is a fuel: through combination with water to H 2 : CO + H 2 O → H 2 + CO 2 (water-gas-shift) through direct electrochemical oxidation: CO + CO 3 = → 2 CO e -
MCFC – stack
With sealing & manifolds
MCFC – stack Manifolds: Sealing: Ensure leak-tight closing in highly corrosive atmosphere Between cells Between stack & manifolds Gas flow distribution Homogeneous reactant distribution to the cell Lower pressure drops Uniform fuel utilisation
MCFC – stack Fuel and oxidant feed
MCFC – Fuelling Fuel: H 2 CO Oxidant: O 2 CO 2 Possible sources: Natural gas Syngas (coal gasification) HC-rich fuel (butane, methanol…) Biomass (gasification, digestion…) Chemical production (electrolysis…) Possible sources: Air Reaction products (recirculation)
MCFC – Fuelling Fuel: H 2 CO Possible sources: Natural gas Light hydrocarbons (butane, methanol, …) C x H y + x H 2 O (g) → x CO + (½y+x) H 2 (Endothermic reaction → heat required) Yield: H 2 75% CO 10% CO 2 15% Traces of NH 3, CH 4, SO x …
MCFC – Fuelling Reforming External Heat provided by burn-up of anode exit gas + HX Internal Heat provided by cell reaction + Simplicity inside cell Separation of functions - Complexity in system Large coolant flow required + Cell cooling provided System simplicity & lightness (= cost) - Reforming catalyst required in cell Not ideal for high P
MCFC – Fuelling Fuel: H 2 CO Possible sources: Biomass, coal (gasification) Heavy hydrocarbons (distillate, oil) C x H y + ½x O 2 → x CO + ½y H 2 (Exothermic reaction → heat released) Yield: H 2 20% CO 25% CO 2 10% N 2 40% CH 4, NH 3, SO x, H 2 S, HCl, …
MCFC – Fuelling Partial oxidation (gasification) + High-T heat produced Quick start & reaction Works on many fuels - Low H 2 yield High emission of pollutants (upgrading, clean-up required) Complex external components
MCFC – stack 300 W, 10-cell stack (MTU) With fuel & oxidant inlets & CO 2 recirculation 125 kW, 150-cell (Ansaldo, Italy)
MCFC – Heat Recovery Thermal management of cell: Optimum temperature for cell & system ≈ 650°C Fuel cell reactions generate heat T cell ↓ Open circuit potential ↑ Available heat quantity ↑ Electrolyte loss ↓ Corrosion effects ↓ T cell ↑ Polarization ↓ Reaction kinetics ↑ Reforming conditions ↑ Available heat quality ↑
MCFC – stack With heat recovery 250 kW, HotModule (MTU, Germany) 100 kW (KEPCO, Korea)
MCFC – Power conditioning Power consolidation Current control Invert DC to AC Voltage increase Efficiency of power conditioning between 94-97%
MCFC – system Fuel Treatment Heat Recovery MCFC Stack System Control Fuel Heat H2OH2O H 2, CO DC AC Air Power Cond.
MCFC – Balance of Plant (BoP) Balance of Plant components: Pumps and fans Heat exchangers Spray nozzles Piping Filters Seals Gaskets Valves Regulators
MCFC – Balance of Plant (BoP) 500 kW Joint effort (Ansaldo, Iberinco, Balke, ENEA, AMG – Madrid)
AFCO: 500 kW system ConfigurationConfiguration Cell Size Operating Pressure Operating Temperature Modular Integrated Reformer TWINSTACK ® 0.81 m² Rectangular shape 0.81 m² Rectangular shape 3.5 bar 650°C MCFC – Plant
Modular build-up to MMW units!