Judy Cloud Berryhill Area Specialist – Adolescent Development Bullying Judy Cloud Berryhill Area Specialist – Adolescent Development
What is Bullying? Bullying occurs when a person does or says things to have control or power over another person. Unchecked bullying damages the bully who learns that he or she can get away with violence, aggression and threats and that sort fo behavior gets them what they want.
Bullying Involves. . . Deliberate hostility and aggression towards the victim A victim who is weaker and less powerful than the bully or bullies An outcome which is always painful and distressing for the victim
Facts About Bullying Approximately 160,000 children miss school every day due to fear of attack or intimidation by other students. One in Seven students is either a bully or victim. Seventy-One Percent of students report incidents of bullying as a problem at their school.
Different Types of Bullying Cyber Bullying Emotional Bullying Physical Bullying Racist Bullying Sexual Bullying Verbal Bullying Cyber bullying – Bullies forward and spread hurtful messages and/or images though e-mail, instant messaging, chat rooms and electronic gadgets like camera cell phone. Cyber-bullies use this technology to harass victims at all hours, in wide circles, at high speed. Emotional bullying involves isolating or excluding a person from group activities, shunning the person , and spreading rumors, this kind of bullying is especially common among girls. Physical bullying involves things like kicking, hitting, biting, pinching, hair bullying or threats of physical harm. Racist bullying attacks through racial slurs, offensive gestures or jokes about a cultural trandition. Sexual bullying involves unwanted physical contact or sexually abusive or inappropriate commnets. Verbal bullying usually involves name-calling, incessant mocking and ridicule.
Persistent Bullying Causes Depression Shyness Isolation Low Self-Esteem Poor Academic Achievement Threatened or Attempted Suicide
Facts about Bullying The majority of bullying occurs in or near school buildings. When a child does not feel safe at school - for whatever reason- every aspect of the child’s education is affected. The only effective way to stop bullying at school is to have a zero tolerance policy which involves every person at the school.
More Facts about Bullying Bullying is painful because it is relentless. Constant harassment from bullying can cause a person to be in constant fear and can make them physically sick. Children and teens who are bullied may find their schoolwork suffering. Bullying is done by both boys and girls. Boys and girls bully in different ways. Girls tend to inflict pain on a psychological level Boys tend to bullying more in physical ways.
Preventing Bullying We should begin to teach children not to be bullies and not to be bullied while they are very young We can teach them better ways to express their feelings and wishes. We need to teach children/teens how to solve bullying problems.
Common Mistakes Teachers/Parents Make about Bullying Failing to listen seriously to complaints about bullying. Telling a child/teen, “Just tell him/her to stop!” Advising a child/teen to hit back. (1) The child/teen could be in danger, You need to step in if there is even the slightest possibility that your child/ten might be hurt. (2) Children/teens need to learn ways to deal with bullies in order to stop the abuse. Bullies rarely just go away!! (3) Aggression among teens can escalate quickly over very minor issues. To many teena are carrying weapons.
Bullying MUST be taken Seriously Too many children/teens are being emotionally or physically injured due to meanness. The best way to help children/teens avoid being victims of bullies is to teach them what to do the first time they are bullied.
Any Questions? Resources: Spotlighting Teen Issues for Teens – Spotlighting Teen Issue for Parents – Bullying . . . . SP681-A Spotlighting Teen Issues for Teens – Bullying . . . . SP681-B
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