Stop Bullying Now!


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Presentation transcript:

Stop Bullying Now!

Bullying occurs once every 7 minutes on school playgrounds Bullying occurs once every 25 minutes in classrooms As many as 160,000 kids stay home daily due to fear of bullies

Playground Intervention Adults intervene in 4% of incidents Peers intervene in 11% 85% of the time there is no intervention

What is Bullying? Bullying is when a person or a group try to hurt or control another person in a harmful way. There is a difference in power. It is repeated. It is intentional.

Examples Physical: Hitting, Kicking, Shoving Control: Making someone do something Verbal: name calling, threats, talking behind their back Social: Shunning, leaving them out of games, ignoring Cyber Bullying: 43% have been bullied online

Bullying Myths Myth: “Bullying is just a stage. It is normal, I went through it, my kids will too.” Fact: Bullying is not normal or socially acceptable behavior. We give bullies power by accepting it as normal.

Bullying Myths Myth: “ If I tell someone it will only make it worse!” Fact: Research shows that bullying will stop when authority figures and peers get involved.

Bullying Myths Myth: “ Hit them Back!” Fact: There are times for people to defend themselves. Many times fighting makes the situation worse and increases the risk for serious physical harm.

Bullying Myths Myth: “Bullying is a school problem, the teachers should handle it.” Fact: Bullying is a broader social problem that happens in many places.

Bullying Myths Myth: “He was born a bully. That’s what he is.” Fact: Bullying is a learned behavior. It is taught through observance of interactions between adults, siblings, and other kids.

Why do people bully? Makes them feel superior Gain attention Feel popular Fear about something in themselves Jealousy No empathy for others

Bullies later in life By age 24, 60% of childhood bullies have at least 1 criminal conviction. Childhood bullies have higher rates of alcoholism, anti-social personality disorders, and a higher need for mental health care.

Bullies in later life Childhood Bullying Sexual Violence Harassment in the workplace Spousal Abuse Elderly Abuse

“Evil prevails when good men fail to act” What can we do? “Evil prevails when good men fail to act” Edmund Burke

What can we do? 3 Main Groups Bullies Victims Bystanders/ Observers

What can the victim do? Prevent: Be confident in themselves. Like themselves for who they are. Do not look like a victim. Avoid trouble areas and people

What can the victim do? Act: Tell an adult. Do not keep it to themselves. Telling is not Tattling. Stay calm and do not appear angry or upset. Ignore the bully.

What can the victim do? Act: Tell them to stop Stay near friends and adults Fight as a last resort and a means to escape.

What should bystanders do? Do not join in. Walk away. The Bully is looking for an audience. Help the victim to walk away. Bullying usually stops in under 10 seconds when a peer intervenes. Do not attack the bully. (verbally or physically)

What should bystanders do? Believe the kid being bullied. Help the victim tell an adult. Be a friend. Remember peers are present in 85% of bullying situations.

What about the bully? Identify potential “bullies”. Remember bullying is a learned behavior. Try to separate “bullying behavior” from the perpetrator. Sometimes they do not understand how wrong their behavior is and how it affects others.

What about the bully? Research shows that peer mediation is effective. Be a friend to the “bully,” but do not accept the behavior. Teach them to treat others as they would like to be treated. Do not bully the bully!

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