Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying
New Definition Includes ANY gesture, (Middle finger, hand gesture) Includes ANY gesture, (Middle finger, hand gesture) ANY written, verbal or physical act, (Notes, hitting, texting, name calling) ANY written, verbal or physical act, (Notes, hitting, texting, name calling) ANY electronic communication (Texting, Facebook, Formspring, Twitter, My Space) ANY electronic communication (Texting, Facebook, Formspring, Twitter, My Space) Can be a single incident or series of incidents Can be a single incident or series of incidents
Motivation behind ANY actual or PERCEIVED characteristic ANY actual or PERCEIVED characteristic Examples: Race, color of skin, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, mental/ physical and/ or sensory disability or any other distinguishing characteristic Examples: Race, color of skin, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, mental/ physical and/ or sensory disability or any other distinguishing characteristic
Location On school property On school property At school-sponsored function At school-sponsored function On a school bus On a school bus Off school grounds (including cyberspace) Off school grounds (including cyberspace)
Conditions in addition to causing a substantial disruption or interference: Is insulting or demeaning to a student or group of students Is insulting or demeaning to a student or group of students Creates a hostile environment for a student by interfering with the student’s education or causes harm – physical or emotional Creates a hostile environment for a student by interfering with the student’s education or causes harm – physical or emotional
Types of Bullying Physical Physical punching, punching, shoving, shoving, acts that hurt people acts that hurt people Verbal Verbal name calling, name calling, teasing, teasing, making offensive remarks making offensive remarks
Indirect Indirect Spreading rumors Spreading rumors Keeping certain people out of the “group” Keeping certain people out of the “group” Getting certain people to “gang up” on others Getting certain people to “gang up” on others Cyber Cyber Sending insulting messages by , text messaging, and/or chat rooms to the victim or to other about the victim. Sending insulting messages by , text messaging, and/or chat rooms to the victim or to other about the victim.
You the Bully Think about your actions before reacting impulsively or aggressively Think about your actions before reacting impulsively or aggressively Seek help from a trusted adult (guidance counselor, teacher, parent) Seek help from a trusted adult (guidance counselor, teacher, parent) Think about how others are feeling. How would you feel if you were the victim? Think about how others are feeling. How would you feel if you were the victim? It is okay to talk about your emotions. It is okay to talk about your emotions.
If you are being Bullied First tell an adult what is going on First tell an adult what is going on Develop friendships with others that have similar interests (join a club, sport, etc.) Develop friendships with others that have similar interests (join a club, sport, etc.) Ask for help from a trusted friend and/or adult to come up with a solution (guidance counselor) Ask for help from a trusted friend and/or adult to come up with a solution (guidance counselor)
You the Bystander Be empathetic Be empathetic Help to intervene with guidance from an adult Help to intervene with guidance from an adult If you do nothing but have knowledge of the bullying, you will be looked at the same as the bully. If you do nothing but have knowledge of the bullying, you will be looked at the same as the bully.
Student Expectations WAMS prohibits the active or passive support of acts of harassment, intimidation, and/ or bullying. Students are encouraged to support their peers by: Walking away from acts of harassment, intimidation, and bullying when you see it. Walking away from acts of harassment, intimidation, and bullying when you see it. Peacefully attempt to stop the act of harassment, intimidation or bullying. Peacefully attempt to stop the act of harassment, intimidation or bullying. Provide support to peers who have been subjected to harassment, intimidation or bullying. Provide support to peers who have been subjected to harassment, intimidation or bullying. Report acts of harassment, intimidation and bullying to an adult (Teacher, guidance counselor, Mr. Kelly and/ or Ms. Butler) Report acts of harassment, intimidation and bullying to an adult (Teacher, guidance counselor, Mr. Kelly and/ or Ms. Butler)
Where do you go for HELP? Talk to an adult Parent/ Guardian/ Family (Not a sibling) Parent/ Guardian/ Family (Not a sibling) Teacher Teacher Ms. Trasatti, Ms. Vogdes Ms. Trasatti, Ms. Vogdes Coach Coach Mr. Kelly, Ms. Butler Mr. Kelly, Ms. Butler
“The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing!” ~ Albert Einstein