stop harassment now 1 A few facts…. Almost 30 percent of teens in the United States (or over 5.7 million) are estimated to be involved in bullying as either a bully, a target of bullying, or both. Data suggest that bullying is much more common among younger teens than older teens. As teens grow older, they are less likely to bully others and to be the targets of bullies.
stop harassment now2 Bullying occurs more frequently among boys than girls. Teenage boys are much more likely to bully others and to be the targets of bullies. others and to be the targets of bullies. While both boys and girls say others bully them by making fun of the way they look or talk, boys are more likely to report being hit, slapped, or pushed.
stop harassment now3 Teenage girls are more often the targets of rumors and sexual comments. Bullying can lead teenagers to feel tense, anxious, and afraid. It can affect their concentration in school, and can lead them to avoid school in some cases. school, and can lead them to avoid school in some cases.
stop harassment now4 If bullying continues for some time, it can begin to affect teens' self-esteem and feelings of self-worth. begin to affect teens' self-esteem and feelings of self-worth. Bullies tend to get in trouble more often, and to dislike and do more poorly in school than teens who do not bully others. They are also more likely to fight, drink, and smoke than their peers. teens who do not bully others. They are also more likely to fight, drink, and smoke than their peers.
stop harassment now5 Stop Harassment at Edgewood Middle School
stop harassment now6 Come In From This Firefly Darkness Edgewood Singers. Written by: Amy Feldon Bernon for her sister Open up your door my friend and let me come in. Come in from the firefly darkness to hear your stories again…. to sing with you again. I’ve wondered through this land from end to end. I’ve come home through this firefly darkness to hear your stories again…to sing with you again.
stop harassment now7 What is Harassment / Bullying? Bullying includes a wide variety of behaviors, but all involve a person or a group repeatedly trying to harm someone who is weaker or more vulnerable. It can involve direct attacks (such as hitting, threatening or intimidating, maliciously teasing and taunting, name-calling, making sexual remarks, and stealing or damaging belongings) or more subtle, indirect attacks (such as spreading rumors or encouraging others to reject or exclude someone).
stop harassment now8 TYPES OF BULLYING Physical Bullying Cyber Bullying Verbal Bullying Emotional Bullying Sexual Bullying
stop harassment now9 Physical Bullying Includes: Punching, poking, hair pulling, kicking, defacing property, stealing, etc….
stop harassment now10 Cyber Bullying Includes: Threatening and hurtful text, , phone messages, web based programs, etc….
stop harassment now11 Verbal Bullying Includes: Hurtful name-calling, mocking, taunting, threatening, teasing & gossiping.
stop harassment now12 Emotional Bullying Includes: rejecting, terrorizing, extorting, defaming, humiliating, blackmailing, rating/ranking or personal characteristics – such as race, disability, ethnicity or perceived sexual orientation – manipulating friendships, isolation, ostracizing and peer pressure.
stop harassment now13 Sexual Bullying Includes: Many of the actions previously mentioned as well as exhibitionism, voyeurism, sexual propositioning, making comments about a person’s body, making sexual comments, etc…
stop harassment now14 Myths / false assumptions / excuses : S/he took it the wrong way S/he took it the wrong way S/he asked for it/provoked it; responsible for it S/he asked for it/provoked it; responsible for it It can’t happen to me – my behavior is harmless It can’t happen to me – my behavior is harmless If it’s not physical, it’s not bad If it’s not physical, it’s not bad S/he can’t take a joke S/he can’t take a joke S/he is a trouble maker S/he is a trouble maker It’s normal behavior – everyone does it It’s normal behavior – everyone does it
stop harassment now15 If you are a bully… Consequences Meeting with students, phone call parent, detention, possible SLC time Above plus, referral to after school educational group with SRO Above plus, TRY, SRO will pursue charges, possible transfer to different school Why do we have consequences?
stop harassment now16 Next Step … Move to breakout rooms