Bully Proof Yourself A guide for Brichta students or any student to be Bully Proof! By Yvonne Clay, Brichta Counselor
Definition of a Bully! Bullying is when a stronger, more powerful person hurts or frightens a smaller or weaker person on purpose and does it over and over again.
Have you been bullied? Answer this survey Have you been tripped in the classroom? Have you been pushed in line? Have you been called a dummy? Has someone gossiped about you? Is anyone mean to you in the bathroom? Have you been left out at recess?
Did you answer “yes”, then you have been bullied Most bullying happens when adults can’t see it If you see someone being bullied, if you know that someone is being bullied, if you think someone might be bullied, tell your teacher or counselor If you do nothing about bullying, you’re saying that bullying is okay with you Remember that you have the power to stop bullying at school!
Ways to stay Bully- Free Tell a friend, teacher, counselor, or any adult Stand up straight, look the bully in the eye, and say in a firm, confident voice, “Leave me alone!” Or say “Stop it! I don’t like that.” Or you can say “Cut it out!” as loudly as you can Stay calm and walk away and join another group of people so that you are not alone Tell your parents
Anti- Bully” themes “to keep yourself Bully Proof! Bullying isn’t cool Kindness is cool Acceptance is cool Spreading rumors isn’t cool Telling isn’t tattling No one ever deserves to be bullied Bullying? No way! There’s always a better way