Changing Attitudes and Values Chapter 9 Section 3
#1a Atomic Theory John Dalton English Quaker schoolteacher showed how different kinds of atoms combine to make all chemical substances.
#1b Charles Lyell Wrote Principles of Geology and offered evidence to show that the Earth had formed over millions of years.
#1c Natural Selection Natural forces selected those with physical traits best adapted to their environment. Short necked giraffes unable to reach high leaves would die out while long necked giraffes would flourish. SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST
#1d Social Darwinism Darwin never applied to society what he believed but others did applying survival of the fittest to war and economic competition winning showed superiority!
#1e Salvation Army Set up by William and Catherine Booth it spread Christian teachings and provided social services.
#2a Cult of Domesticity The ideal women and home, women was tender, self-sacrificing caregiver who provided a nest for her children and a peaceful refuge for her husband!
#2b Temperance Movement A campaign to limit or ban the use of alcoholic beverages.
#2c Women’s Suffrage Women’s right to vote leaders in the field where Elizabeth Cady Stanton , Susan B. Anthony, Sojourner Truth. Sojourner Truth Susan B. Anthony
#2d Racism One racial group is superior to another.
#2e Social Gospel Movement that urged Christians to social service, mostly backed by Protestant churches in the United States! Walter Rauschenbusch
#3a How did the social order change in the Industrial Nations? A more complex social structure emerged. The upper class expanded to include rich industrial and business families, a growing middle class enjoyed prosperity, while the lower middle class struggled to keep up. The number of farm workers fell, but workers and peasants were still at the base of the social ladder wealthy Upper middle class Middle class Peasants & Working class
#3b Describe three values associated with the middle class. Luxury, respectability, and a strict etiquette [or the way to act]
#4a What were the main goals of the women’s movement? To secure suffrage and gain access to education and jobs
#4b Why did it face strong opposition? Men believed that women belonged in the home and that they were too emotional to vote.
#5 Why did the ideas of Charles Darwin cause controversy? Darwin’s ideas contradicted the accepted biblical account of creation, he said that all living creatures were evolving and came from lower level life forms!
#6 What services did religious organizations provide? They worked for reforms in the workplace, housing, healthcare, and education. They also set up schools and hospitals in urban slums.