Homeroom – READ or use your technology quietly. Remember you can SIT anywhere you want for homeroom. Keyword is SIT! Science of Bullying
Bullying – Day 1 Warm-up (Science notebook Page 1) Write a few sentences about your favorite thing that you did this summer. Underneath that, answer the following questions: 1. When you hear the word “bullying” what comes to mind? 2. Is bullying only physical? 3. What different types of bullying can you think of? Give an example.
Clock Buddies Using the time provided, go around the room and introduce yourself to 12 different people. Write their name next to a free slot you BOTH have. “Hi, I’m _________. Will you be my 1 o’clock person?” You must both have each other’s names in the same spot. Can’t have the same person on your clock more than one time. Try to get all 12 spots filled in! Can only have ONE person in each spot. When you’re done, sit down and make sure you answered the warm up questions.
Getting to know each other We will be using one of our Clock Buddies to share about our summer. Make sure to listen to your partner(s) and be ready to share what someone else said! Figure out who is person A and who is person B. Person A will be the younger of the two of you. They will share first! Person B shares after the timer goes off.
“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a great battle.” -Philo of Alexandria In your notebook, respond to the above quote. What do you think it means? What type of “battle” do you think they are talking about? How can you apply this quote to your every day life? Be ready to share your answer. Clock Buddies 3 o’clock
Science Acrostic Poem In your notebook, create an acrostic poem with the word SCIENCE. S C I E N C E For every letter, create a sentence that pertains to bullying. Ex: For “S”, you could write “Students should always be nice to each other.”
Bullying – Day 2 Warm-up p. 3 in notebook Read the article “Lady Gaga – Born to Not Get Bullied” Answer the following questions in your notebook: 1. From the article, what are some affects of bullying? 2. People who are bullied are more likely to do what? 3. What are some things that you can do to try and prevent bullying?
REMINDERS LearnEd notebooks Remind – QR code or address
Discovery Education Bullying Video Segment – on school content (8 min) “Bullying and Bullycide” After viewing this video, write a one to two paragraph reflection. What did this video make you feel? Did it give you any insight into bullying and its effects? Have you ever been bullied? Give an example if you want – without using any real names. Share with your Clock Buddy – 9 o’clock
The Psychology of Bullying “Sticks and stones can break my bones but names can never hurt me.” Is this old saying true? Or can teasing hurt and hurt deeply? (Lagan 13)
Bullying and The Law Bullying and the Law Bullying can be a traumatic experience, and some forms of bullying can even be considered illegal. These include: Threats - whether done face to face, online, over the phone or through text messaging. Assaults - including pushing, tripping, slapping, hitting or spitting. Theft of personal items - like a backpack, books, electronic devices, etc. Harassment - repeated tormenting online, with texts, phone calls and/or s. Sexual Exploitation - sharing videos or photos with nudity of people under 18. Hate crime - bullying based on ethnicity, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, etc. For all of these criminal offences, it is important to notify your local police detachment or report it to CYBERTIP.CA. Based on the available information, police will decide if an investigation is warranted and whether charges may be laid.CYBERTIP.CA Deal.org
What You Can Do If you are a victim of bullying Walk away or leave the online conversation. Keep track of the bullying (write it down and/or save a screenshot of the online message). Tell a trusted adult. If you don’t trust anyone or need to speak with someone urgently, contact the confidential and toll-free Kids Help Phone.Kids Help Phone Report the bullying to school administrators. Report criminal offences, such as threats, assaults and sexual exploitation to the local police detachment. Report unwanted text messages to your telephone service provider. Report online bullying to the social media site and block the person responsible. Deal.org
If you know someone who is being bullied... Most types of bullying go on as long as someone is watching and laughing. As a bystander, know that you have the power to stop the bullying. 60% of the time, bullying stops in less than 10 seconds when someone steps in (Kids Help Phone).Kids Help Phone If you feel it’s safe to do so, tell the bully to stop. Find friends/students/youth or an adult who can help stop it. Befriend the person being bullied and lead them away from the situation. Report it to a teacher or school staff. Fill out an anonymous letter and drop it off to a teacher or any adult you trust.anonymous letter
Culminating Essay p. 4 After reading texts and watching videos about bullying, you will write an essay that will identify the cause of bullying and presents a solution to it. Support your decision with evidence if possible. Examine several points of view. Give examples from past or current events or issues to clarify your position. (1 page)