© Seppo Helakorpi Change and context
Crisis of world and work as a challenge to develop work and expertise
Fundamental basis: theories and - premises Socio-constructive learning - learning is continously formulative, individual constraction of knowledge in the whole time of life, (metacompetencies) Learning organization –teams and networks - learning is team-learning and network-learning, it’s learned also tacit knowledge, subconscious knowledge Communities of practice – collaborative knowhow - learning is collaborative development and socially distributed, also by virtual context Culturally mediated knowledge - learning is cultural ”tools” (models, practices) utilizing collaborative knowledge, common meanings, learning by work Reflective and developing expertise - learning is continous and critical reflection, researching, innovative and developing expertise
Towards the dispersed organization
CHANGE OF ORGANIZATIONS: From functional to net organization CHANGE OF ORGANIZATIONS: From functional to net organization
Paradigms of professionalism and expertise
Vocational skills, qualification and competence
Knowhow of expert Expert, specialist worker Skilled worker Worker Designer, Developer Innovator, Collaborator PRACTICAL KNOWHOW CREATIVE KNOWHOW
KNOWHOW, EXPERTISE AND SKILLS The mind map of conceptions KNOWHOW, EXPERTISE AND SKILLS The mind map of conceptions
Basis of work change: CONCEPTIONS OF KNOWLEDGE, ORGANIZATION AND EXPERTISE CONCEPTIONMODERN SOCIETYPOSTMODERN SOCIETY KNOWLEDGEPositivism, scientific view of world (objectivity); fact knowledge Relativism, world view is founded on many truths (subjectivity); tacit knowledge ORGANIZATIONTaylorism, scientific management, divided work, slideband, bureaucracy Learning and lean organization, common knowledge, communities of practice, team and network organization EXPERTISEKnowhow is propositional knowledge, personal expertise and personal work, stable expertise Knowhow is practical and experimental knowledge, common expertise, collaborative team work, dynamic expertise, development of own work and work society
PARTS OF KNOWHOW Technical knowledge Skills to act in work community Psycho- cognitive readiness Psycho- motoric readiness Psycho- social readiness Developing readiness
Subdivisions of the domains of a professional specialist, expert
example of a questionnaire Questions can change for the professional field Previous 8 subsectors are base of the questinnaire. Each block has 10 questions.
After the expert has self- evaluated his/her own expertise by this measuring instrument, it is possible to draw an ”expertise-diamond”. It demonstrates the specialist’s strong areas and needs of development. -Remind, that the result is not the absolute truth of expertise, but it shows developing areas. ”Expertise-diamond””Expertise-diamond”
What kind of conception of knowhow WorldSkills –competition tasks represent? Seppo Helakorpi – Tauno Tertsunen Study –case in Helsinki Competition 2005:
The study design and research tasks Research tasks: We evaluated WorldSkills –competition tasks and measuring methods. We evaluated both content and knowhow criterion of competion tasks. We evaluated, how the tasks and methods met the requirements in question knowhow in working life. The study consisted of 17 competition events. Change of Working Life The theory of vocational education Instrument of knowledge measurement Observed WorldSkills tasks Aims and instructions of WorldSkills competition Criterion of professional degrees
Open and closed knowhow demonstration Task type Demonstration environment Open task Closed task Closed environment Open environment II I IIIIV Traditional test case; exact tasks and evaluation criterion Test case in working life; client based tasks and evaluation criterion
Results and summary -By competition tasks were evaluated mainly knowledge and skills of substance knowhow (with a few exceptions) -This kind of evaluation represents very narrow concepts of knowhow -Some competition tasks gave very narrow views of knowhow of occupation in question -Evaluation method must be developed from monitoring and observating to active part and dialogical evaluation -Some evaluators favoured the competitors of their own country (legally disqualified)
Results and summary -With the competitions is made well known professional knowhow and vocational education -> The question: did a part of the competiton events disservice to the profession in question, if competition tasks give even distorted images about the knowhow of the profession in question -Making a product to millimetre places is centrally knowhow in some professions, but usually activity in profession involves other knowhow too
Conclusions and suggestions to developing The Skills competitions are a big happening to young people, when they decide the own future. It is very important to show a favourable impression, what kind of choice is the profession field. Therefore it is important to fix attention on circumstances of competition tasks and environment. Competition tasks will represent a true reflection of the field work and show comprehensive visions of expertise of professional field. Work and expertise in working life is more than only manual making. As well includes customer service, team work, networking, metacompetencies(generic knowledge), planning and developing…
More information and the expert knowhow questionnaire: More information and the expert knowhow questionnaire: © Seppo Helakorpi (here you can find this presentation, too)