Drilling Bible Basics Morality in an Immoral World Living soberly, righteously, and godly ; shining as lights in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation.
Basis of True Morality Morality = character of being in accord with principles or standards of righteousness (contained in a code of ethics) Man was created with the ability to know what he “ought” to do. –2 Peter 3:11
Basis of True Morality Morality originates with God, the source of purpose and order in creation. –Romans 1:20 — (kosmos) = arrangement
Basis of True Morality God is: – Holy (Isaiah 6:3) – Just and righteous (Psalm 89:14) – Good (Psalm 106:1) – Perfect (Matthew 5:48)
Basis of True Morality God is : –Creator of all good Genesis 1:31 James 1:17 Man is created in God’s image, to know and seek the right way. –Proverbs 4:23-27 –1 Peter 1:15,16
The Problem with Immorality Practice and approval of immoral living brings God’s wrath. –Romans 1:18-32 Keeps one from inheriting the kingdom of God. –1 Corinthians 6:9,10 –Galatians 5:19-21 We need salvation in Christ. –1 Corinthians 6:11 –Romans 13:12-14
Modern Philosophies Modernism —denial of deity and the miraculous. Hedonism —attaining the greatest possible pleasure. Evolution —existence without soul or meaning.
Modern Philosophies Relativism —no absolute standard of right and wrong; all viewpoints are valid. False Religion —denial of God’s righteous standards.
Need for Moral Living Need to apply God’s righteous standard to our lives. –2 Peter 1:3-4 We have been called to holy living. –Ephesians 4:20-24 –2 Corinthians 6:17—7:1
Need for Moral Living Warning against immorality – 2 Peter 1:3-4 Need to expose works of the flesh— sexual immorality, bad language, immodesty, drugs, drinking, etc.
Living Differently God’s word gives us a system of ethics. We need to apply its principles and warnings. We need to be different from the present world. –Hebrews 11:24-26 –Romans 12:1,2