Why Do Laws Change? … What factors can cause changes to the law?
Demographic Changes Technological Changes Changes in values National Emergencies
Demographic Changes A demographic change is a change related to the population make up. A demographic change is a change related to the population make up. Rate of Births/Deaths or average age Rate of Births/Deaths or average age Trends in: Trends in: Education, Education, Immigration, Immigration, Employment, Employment,Births/deaths
Early 1900’s, few married women in the workforce: Early 1900’s, few married women in the workforce: Industrial revolution rural to urban women in workforce Maternity leave, paternity leave, equal pay, work conditions, discrimination,… Baby boomers reaching retirement: Baby boomers reaching retirement: Pension plans, the age of retirement, health care costs, special housing needs,… People not having as many children: People not having as many children: Close schools, paying more into pensions, need immigration,… Immigration: Immigration: Integration, education, support, work skills, social issues,…
Technological Changes
Computers Internet: Pornography (child), identity theft, credit card fraud, copyright issues, libel / defamation of character… Cell phones: Competition, driving & talking, public use, camera phones/privacy,… Automobiles: Licensing, safety standards, emissions, jurisdiction over roadways, …
Television / Radio: Advertising standards, censorship, slander, competition, Canadian content,… Space travel: Jurisdiction issues, safety, spying,…
Changing Values… Changing Values…
Takes time to fully comprehend (or accept) the negative consequences of certain behaviors Takes time to fully comprehend (or accept) the negative consequences of certain behaviors ► Ex. Drunk Driving ► Ex. Smoking
► Aboriginals: change in perception, understanding and awareness of the relationship between Aboriginals and the government. ► Laws were passed prohibiting construction projects on their ancestral lands and burial grounds as well as granting some self-government. ► Discrimination: ► Racism ► Discriminatory landlords ► Workplace issues ► Equity for the disabled
What changed? Why did it change? Some examples: ► Women as persons ► Abortion ► Same Sex Marriage ► Gun control
► People’s values are always changing. - people are influenced by others - people are influenced by others - what are the mediums of influence? - what are the mediums of influence? ► Are we progressing? regressing? …relative moralism? …relative moralism? ► Is society an experiment?
National Emergencies Parliament may pass special laws in response to national emergencies. Often intended to be temporary but then the are never repealed (removed)
2 examples came into effect during WW1: The War Measures Act: Allows the government to restrict our civil liberties. (Last invoked during The October Crisis) The Income Tax Act: We have to pay tax on the money we earn! (Both were originally enacted when Canada entered WW1) …one of these was repealed, the other is still with us today.
As we all know, the events of September 11 th were responded to by the passing of the Anti- terrorism Act.
Among other things, these measures: Made terrorism or aiding a terrorist punishable by up to 10 years in jail. Allowed people suspected of terrorist activity to be arrested without being charged. Allowed police to force people to testify in secret. Made it easier for police to use wiretaps. Allowed the government to freeze assets of suspects.