Magisterium The Teaching Office of the Church
Elements Made up of: – The Pope, the Bishop of Rome – All of the Bishops of the Church Responsibility: – To interpret the Word of God – Ensure that the Church remains faithful to the teaching of the Apostles – Help the Church grow in its understanding of the faith
Growth in Understanding Growth in the understanding of the Church’s heritage of faith happens through: – Theological Inquiry Questioning of the truth with focus on modern circumstances – Contemplation and study To study and contemplate the scriptures and teachings of the Church’s Tradition – The teaching of Bishops The teachings of the bishops in union with the Pope are guided by the Holy Spirit and therefore infallible
What does the Magisterium Teach? Teachings found in the Catechism of the Catholic Church – Doctrine An official teaching of the Church based on the Revelation of God – Dogma A teaching recognized as central to Church teaching
What does the Magisterium Teach? Catechism of the Catholic Church – The profession of Faith Expands the Nicene Creed – The Sacraments of Faith Shows how salvation is made present through the sacred actions of liturgy especially the sacraments – The Life of Faith Teachings on the right way to live, freely choosing right conduct – Prayer Significance of prayer in the lives of the people of God
Qualities of the Magisterium Indefectability – The Church will remain uncorrupted and faithful to Christ’s teachings until the end of human history. It contains no defects. Infallibility – Since it is without defect, the Church must also be without mistake. When speaking “ex cathedra” the Pope in union with the bishops is protected from fundamental error when he teaches on faith or morals. – From the chair of Peter – Teachings from ecumenical councils express this authority
Relativism A belief built on the premise that there is NO absolute truth. It says that truth depends on a person’s opinion or viewpoint. Relativism contradicts itself: – If there is no absolute truth then relativism cannot be an absolute truth God’s is Truth- we can abandon ourselves to trust in God