Types of Ethics LO’s: To describe a number of ethical theories
Utilitarianism This approach to an ethical problem stresses the usefulness (utility) of an action in promoting the common good. Example: It could be argued that the torture of a terrorist is acceptable as the potential information extracted could save lives.
Subjectivism In a subjective approach to ethics, the individual is seen as having the right to make judgements and take action according to their own judgement, freedom and conscience. Example: External authority – whether in the form of laws, community standards or objective views about morality – is not regarded as any bar to the freedom of the individual to choose and act.
Situation Ethics In this view ethical behaviour is seen solely in terms of behaving in a spirit of love. As long as a person’s actions are based on acting in a loving way, they need not to be inhibited by any other moral code or law. Example: Faced with whether or not to end the life of a terminally ill relative, a situation ethicist would examine possible courses of action and then take the one they considered the lost loving.
Relativism A relativist takes the view that what is right or wrong, good or evil in human actions is not absolute(the same for everyone), but depends on the culture, context or circumstances in which each action occurs. Example: The abandonment of babies, or Euthanasia of the disabled are seen as acceptable for the people of a certain culture if those values are accepted in that culture.
Nihilism Nihilism is based on the perception that life has no meaning, that no goal is any better than another, that no action by an individual makes any difference, and that all our decisions arise merely from emotional or social needs rather than any moral code. Example: According to a Nihilist there is no difference between good and evil.
Utilitarianism, Situation Ethics, Relativism, Nihilism, Subjectivism Activity Break into groups of 2-3. Rank the ethical approaches in order from those you most agree with to the least. Utilitarianism, Situation Ethics, Relativism, Nihilism, Subjectivism Be prepared to share why you chose this order.
Deontology The basis of these types of ethical approaches is that the law is the most important thing. Only those acts done from a sense of duty have a moral value. The law must be followed under all circumstances and not matter what the consequences. A reading. P.75 of Textbook
Natural Law Natural Law refers to an innate knowledge of right and wrong that is part of being human.
Natural Law A capacity to reason well about what is right and wrong is described as ‘right reason’. This rational capacity within human nature is seen as just as universal and as real as physical scientific laws such as the law of gravity.
Natural Law Natural Law is expressed in the conviction that ‘Good should be done and promoted and evil avoided’. It is the basis for widely shared principles, norms and practises in fields such as justice and human rights, life issues and sexual morality. Anyone guided by natural Law understands that rape , the murder of innocent people and the abuse of children are always wrong actions. Natural law does not allow for actions to be right for some people and wrong for others. Unlike most of the other approaches Natural law gives rise to objective moral norms and rules of conduct.
The Catholic approach to ethics Some fundamental Values that most of us see as good and deserving of natural human rights: Love Equality Generosity Self Sacrifice Truth Peace Justice Friendship Health