ETHICAL ABSOLUTISM RIGHT and WRONG are static, absolute, universal concepts Nothing changes their definition NOT situational
UTILITARIANISM Right and wrong are determined by impact on the greatest good for the greatest number Jeremy Bentham
MORAL RELATIVISM Right and wrong are all relative to situations, cultures, locations, etc. There are no absolute, universal rights and wrongs
EGOISM Self-interest is the only standard of conduct
DEONTOLOGICAL ETHICS From the Greek “deon” meaning “duty” Kant’s Categorical Imperative Act out of obligation to duty Consequences do not matter
SITUATED ETHICS Correct morality exists within a given situation Aristotle The mean
How would each system evaluate the Cold Equations? 1. Ethical Absolutism 2. Utilitarianism 3. Moral Relativism 4. Egoism 5. Deontological Ethics (Kant) 6. Situated Ethics (Aristotle)