The Rojas Family Mathenia Michael Alberto Britni
Michael Rojas My son was a victim of bullying. He did not fight Back, suffered in silence, until he told me what was happening to him.
Britni Rojas Britni was very upset about her brother being bullied she said “ I thought my brother would be safe at school, but I guess not, What the hell is wrong with people”
Alberto Rojas Are you a bully? What is bullying? The Webster's dictionary says
Mathenia Rojas Don’t Hide from the abuse Just Report it Together We Can Stop Bullying Now My neighbor bullied my dog Perlita she yelled at her IF YOU SEE BULLYING PLEASE STOP IT NOW AND REPORT IT
Outline Research Paper Stop Bullying Now Belfour It’s Outline: Understanding Childhood Bullying A. It’s a form of child abuse through cyber bullying B. This is a threat to human existence; this causes emotional abuse that Leads a person to kill themselves The Truth About Bullying A. Most childhood bullies are just scare and feel insecure or being abused them B. We need to understand the bully as a whole person and want to help that person with counseling or family therapy The Child No Left Behind Act A. The law protects students with special needs, this can protect children and keep the special education teachers to modify work a student’s done B. The Bush administration made these laws to protect the disabled student The problems associated with bullying A. The bully is socially and emotionally disturbed B. The person who is bullying needs to get professional help here are some resources available 1. Look in your local library for book on anti-bullying information 2. Self help book that can improve the bully’s self esteem 3. Let the bully know that we are there for them, and want them to succeed in life
Outline Continued How to search Anti-Bullying on the World Wide Web A. You can narrow your search by using key words such as The Anti-bulling Act B. Make sure you use words like cyber bullying, sexing, verbal abuse OR child abuse. When looking for images on Google about bullying makes sure you look for key words in your research. Make sure you record the information on a free website for storage. Research Engines Research Engines for Anti-Bullying Google images and research 1. htpp:// htpp:// htpp://