Middle School Orientation Buena Vista Middle School Tuesday, May 20, 2014
From 1 to 6: The Great Transition School starts at 8:15 and gets out at 2:55. Middle Schoolers take 6, 49-minute classes and 1, 33- minute Activity Class: Homeroom Language Arts Social Studies Literature/Intervention Math PE/Health Science Activity
Academics Classes will rotate daily (AB, CD, EF) 3 Trimesters Letter grades and grade point average Formal progress reports every 6 weeks Each student/parent will receive an Illuminate account to check student’s progress (updated approximately every 2- 3 weeks) Eligibility (2.0 grade point average, no F’s, less than 3 U’s)
Academics (continued) Stronger emphasis on testing Organization and time management crucial minutes of homework on average Home set of textbooks
How can a parent help? Know your child’s strengths and weaknesses (organization, testing, participation, etc.) At first, check assignment calendar nightly When absent, check teacher web pages at (Learn how to access them the first couple days of school) Be visible-on campus, with teachers, etc. Attend “Back to School Night” (August 21 st )
How can parents help (continued)? Work as partners with school Establish a quiet, regular time and place for child to complete homework Review returned work and conduct binder/backpack checks Set realistic goals with child each trimester Monitor phone/computer time, social media… Don’t hesitate to call/ with concerns!
Extracurriculars/Enrichment Clubs (Sign Club, Animal Club, Eco Club…) Academic Opportunities (Spelling Bee, ROV, Mathletics…) Activities (Drama, Leadership, Chess, Crochet…) Band during “zero period” (7:30-8:15 am) ASB
Extracurriculars (cont.) Sports –Fall: Soccer, Volleyball, Cross Country –Winter: Basketball –Spring: Golf, Tennis, Track-n-Field
Technology Fully equipped technology lab Internet agreement must be signed K-8 Technology Committee Rotating schedule Open at break and lunch Google Docs Accelerated Reader and Accelerated Math Measure B Update
Discipline Policy High Behavioral Expectations Detention, Community Service, Loss of Activities All rules and consequences listed in student handbook New trends to watch for: Cyber Bullying & “Soap Opera” Mentality
What to expect? CHANGE!! –Styles –Friends –Hormones –Language –Influences –Decision making
BVMS th grade
BVMS th grade
What to do? Communicate with your child: school, friends, hobbies, etc. Maintain high expectations and reinforce school rules Realize that your child wants to be treated as an adult but isn’t emotionally, organizationally, or physically there yet. If minor interventions don’t work, fill out Student Study Team referral.
What to do? (continue) Communicate with school: district website, parent conferences, etc. Don’t hesitate to ask for help!! Start with the teacher, but principal’s door is always open. Sit back and enjoy the ride!! Teenagers are fun to observe and are extremely resilient. Join Buena Vista Bobcat Club and Spreckels Union Educational Foundation!!! Look for handouts the first week of school.
Summer Preparation Review math facts Read 30 minutes per night Keep a writing journal Dress code* Necessary materials* *
Important Dates for Paper Round Up-Mandatory: August 7 at BVMS First Day of School: August 20 Back to School Night: August 21 Thanksgiving Break: 11/24-28 Winter Break: 12/22-1/5 February Break: 2/16-20 Spring Break: 4/6-10 Last Day of School: June 10
Questions? Ask away!!