1. I will not bully others. 2. I will help others who are being bullied. 3. I will include other students who are left out. 4. I will tell an adult when I see someone bullying.
What is Bullying? Bullying is being mean or hurtful on purpose. It’s repeated and it involves an imbalance of power.
Don’t join in on the bullying. What are some ways you can help students who are being bullied? Intervening directly by telling a student who is bullying to stop. Get help from an adult. Be a friend. Stand along side the person who is being bullied.
If You Know That Somebody Is Being Bullied! Think for a moment to yourselves…which adult(s) at school could you talk to if you or another student is being bullied? What about bystanders? How common do you think it is for bystanders to report bullying? Refer to Bully Referral Forms located throughout the school. Review procedures for using the mailboxes.
Place this form in the mailboxes located throughout the school or at the school office. 1. Please write your first and last name: ____________________ Date:_______ 2. I am a(n): (Please “Circle” your team) TigerPantherCougarLionBobcat HawkCondorFalconEagleOwl 3. Please use an “X” to mark your choice. ______I have been bullied. ______I have witnessed a bullying incident. 4. Please answer the following questions to the best of your ability. Please remember to be as specific and detailed as possible. a. Where and when did the bullying take place? b. What was said or done that makes you feel bullying took place? c. Did you respond to the person or people bullying, and if so, what did you say or do? d. Please tell us as much as you can about the person/people involved: names (first and last if you can), grade level, etc.
The Box is a place to report bullying at Seneca Valley Middle School.
Steps First Offense Second Offense Third Offense Fourth Offense 1 State and discuss the behavior State and discuss the behavior State and discuss the behavior State and discuss the behavior 2 Bullying Tracking Form completed and returned to office Bullying Tracking Form completed and returned to office Bullying Tracking Form completed and returned to office Bullying Tracking Form completed and returned to office 3 Team Leader/Designee will notify parents of 2 nd offense & further possible disciplinary action Team Leader/Designee will assign Homeroom Restriction with written reflection Team Leader will send Bullying Notification referral to Admin. for consequences Discipline Rubric
Classroom Meeting Guidelines We raise our hands when we want to say something. Everyone has the right to be heard. We do not name people while talking. We can disagree without saying mean things.
TITLE: ANTI-BULLYING No. 249 SECTION: PUPILS ADOPTED: June 11, 2007 REVISED: March 9, 2009 SENECA VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT 249. ANTI-BULLYING The Seneca Valley School Board is committed to providing all students and employees with a safe and civil educational environment, free from threat, harassment or bullying. Seneca Valley School Board recognizes that bullying interferes with the learning process, and may present an obstacle to the academic, vocational, and social/emotional development of students.