Car Buying Caveat Emptor
Step One: Decide What’s Important? What do you need the car for? What qualities of the car are most important?
What kind of vehicle do you want to buy? Ask yourself What will I use the vehicle for? Towing anything? Driving passengers around? Need a lot of cargo room? How many miles will I be driving? How long will I have the vehicle?
Options engine size transmission interior safety features special electronics convenience packages some much more
Vehicle Size is Important Sub-compact cars very gas efficient less operating costs less protection in a collision do you travel alone?
Compact Cars gas efficient easy to maneuver room for others little protection in a collision some cargo room
Medium Size Car room for 4 or more good gas mileage midsize cargo area many choices
Full Size Car comfortable ride large trunk Up to 5 passengers poor gas economy high operating costs lot of protection in a collision
SUVs and Pickups large cargo area carries many passengers poor gas economy high operating costs lot of protection in a collision
New or Used List as many advantages and disadvantages you can think of for buying a new car. Do the same for a used car
Basic Transportation How much car can you buy?
How much car can you really buy?
Budget Questions Decide how much you can afford to pay each month. (15%-20% of take home pay) How much of a down payment do you have?
Buy vs. Lease Buy: Finance entire amount of auto. Own car after meeting loan terms. Lease: Finance purchase price less residual value. Lesser owns car after expiration of lease.
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Purchase Price $ 30, Down Payment 3, Finance Amount $27, (Interest Rate 5%) Monthly Payments $566.14
Just to Get Started. Down Payment $3, Sales Tax 2, Basic Registration Gov’t Services Tax Supplemental Gov’t Services Tax First Month’s Payment Total $6,349.14
Let’s Keep Going First Year of Ownership. First Month $6, Monthly Payments 6, Year Min. Insurance 1, Oil Changes Gas 1, Total $15,496.68
The shopping is not over! Shop for the best financing Zero Down Low APR Delayed Payments Rebates
The Test Drive If the owner of the car refuses to let you test drive, look for another car.
Test-drive the car/model you want Plan to drive many cars in the same day Don’t bring anybody who will distract you Do not bring your checkbook, your pick slip, or even your trade Plan your route, preferably near your home Bring a knowledgeable person you trust
Have the car inspected? Bring to a mechanic you know and trust. For a fee, they will check the car over for any obvious problems.
What About the Test-Drive? How Does the Car Feel Getting In and Getting Out? How Is My Visibility? How Does the Car Ride, Accelerate, Brake and Handle? Hear Any Noises? Any Lights on? Signs of a Collision? Everything Work?
Plan the purchase Decide on the price you want to pay Make sure you want the car you are buying
Negotiate the purchase Be Prepared Select the Car to Buy Test Drive Again Set Your Price Set the Value of Your Trade Factor in Your Down payment and Rebate Check on Dealer Financing
Be Sure To Get any and everything you agreed upon in writing!
Complete the sale Set price Agree on the value of the trade Finalize financing Extended warranty?
What to do next Don’t park anywhere near others cars
Or maybe get it washed