©2005 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. College Writing Skills, 6E and College Writing Skills with Readings, 6E John Langan Special Topic: Parallelism Chapter Five: The Fourth Step in Essay Writing Special Topic: Parallelism
College Writing Skills / CWS with Readings, 6E ©2005 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Chapter 5.2 Uses of Parallelism coordinateTo coordinate elements in a series pairTo pair ideas enhanceTo enhance coherence organizeTo organize lists
College Writing Skills / CWS with Readings, 6E ©2005 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Chapter 5.2 Using Parallelism For example, balance a noun with a noun, a phrase with a phrase, a clause with a clause.All items listing two or more words, phrases, or clauses, need to be written in the same grammatical structure. For example, balance a noun with a noun, a phrase with a phrase, a clause with a clause. Many people are interested in combat when they read about it at home, study about it in school, or watch it on television. Revision: Many people are interested in combat when they read about it at home, study about it in school, or watch it on television. Many people are interested in combat when they read about it at home, study about it in school, or watching it on television.
College Writing Skills / CWS with Readings, 6E ©2005 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Chapter 5.2 Using Parallelism with Pairs Using Parallelism with Pairs When two ideas are included, they must be parallel. –Tourists enjoy viewing air shows on military bases and to examine displays of armor in museums. Revision: –Tourists enjoy viewing air shows on military bases and examining armor displays in museums.
College Writing Skills / CWS with Readings, 6E ©2005 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Chapter 5.2 Using Parallelism Put words linked by coordinating conjunctions in parallel form. –The martial arts stress the study of hand technique and how you kick. Revision: –The martial arts stress strengthening the hands and the feet.
College Writing Skills / CWS with Readings, 6E ©2005 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Chapter 5.2 Using Parallelism (either/or, neither/nor, both/and, whether/or)Correlative conjunctions (either/or, neither/nor, both/and, whether/or) require parallel form. Revision: In Kung Fu the hands must be both hard enough to knock down a man and sensitive enough to feel which way the wind blows. In Kung Fu the hands must be not only hard enough to knock down a man, but also their sensitivity must feel which way the wind blows.
College Writing Skills / CWS with Readings, 6E ©2005 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Chapter 5.2 Using Parallelism thanasComparisons using than or as need parallel form. –The President would rather use diplomacy than agreeing to send troops abroad. Revision: –The President would rather use diplomacy than agree to send troops abroad.
College Writing Skills / CWS with Readings, 6E ©2005 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Chapter 5.2 Using Parallelism prepositionarticles subordinating conjunctionsBy repeating the preposition, the articles, or the subordinating conjunctions, the parallelism becomes clearer and more effective. –The peace negotiators promised to help out in the day or night. Revision: –The peace negotiators promised to help out in the day or in the night.
College Writing Skills / CWS with Readings, 6E ©2005 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Chapter 5.2 Checking for Parallelism Check items listed in a series. – Use a parallel grammatical structure for all items. coordinate or correlative conjunctionsCheck places where coordinate or correlative conjunctions are used. thanasCheck sentences where you use than and as.
College Writing Skills / CWS with Readings, 6E ©2005 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Chapter 5.2 Parallelism Review Exercises In the 18th century, Franz Mesmer treated patients by using iron magnets and hypnosis.In the 18th century, Franz Mesmer treated patients by using iron magnets and hypnosis. Correct Judge whether the following sentence is correct. (Click to see the answer.): sentence is correct. (Click to see the answer.):
College Writing Skills / CWS with Readings, 6E ©2005 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Chapter 5.2 Parallelism Review Exercises People accused him of being a magician and that he was a fraud.People accused him of being a magician and that he was a fraud. Error Judge whether the following sentence is correct. (Click to see the answer.): sentence is correct. (Click to see the answer.):
College Writing Skills / CWS with Readings, 6E ©2005 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Chapter 5.2 Parallelism Review Exercises People accused him of being a magician and a fraud.People accused him of being a magician and a fraud. Correct Judge whether the following sentence is correct. (Click to see the answer.): sentence is correct. (Click to see the answer.):
College Writing Skills / CWS with Readings, 6E ©2005 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Chapter 5.2 Parallelism Review Exercises Today hypnosis is used in dentistry, in obstetrics, and when having minor surgery.Today hypnosis is used in dentistry, in obstetrics, and when having minor surgery. Error Judge whether the following sentence is correct. (Click to see the answer.): sentence is correct. (Click to see the answer.):
College Writing Skills / CWS with Readings, 6E ©2005 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Chapter 5.2 Parallelism Review Exercises Today hypnosis is used in dentistry, in obstetrics, and in minor surgery.Today hypnosis is used in dentistry, in obstetrics, and in minor surgery. Correct Judge whether the following sentence is correct. (Click to see the answer.): sentence is correct. (Click to see the answer.):
College Writing Skills / CWS with Readings, 6E ©2005 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Chapter 5.2 Parallelism Review Exercises Under hypnotic trance, the depressed patient may learn to assign positive feelings to past loss or learn to put the loss behind him and resume his life.Under hypnotic trance, the depressed patient may learn to assign positive feelings to past loss or learn to put the loss behind him and resume his life. Correct Judge whether the following sentence is correct. (Click to see the answer.): sentence is correct. (Click to see the answer.):
College Writing Skills / CWS with Readings, 6E ©2005 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Chapter 5.2 Parallelism Review Exercises However, hypnotic subjects can readily confuse events that really happened with imaginary events.However, hypnotic subjects can readily confuse events that really happened with imaginary events. Error Judge whether the following sentence is correct. (Click to see the answer.): sentence is correct. (Click to see the answer.):
College Writing Skills / CWS with Readings, 6E ©2005 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Chapter 5.2 Parallelism Review Exercises However, hypnotic subjects can readily confuse real events with imaginary events.However, hypnotic subjects can readily confuse real events with imaginary events. Correct Judge whether the following sentence is correct. (Click to see the answer.): sentence is correct. (Click to see the answer.):
College Writing Skills / CWS with Readings, 6E ©2005 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Chapter 5.2 Parallelism Review Exercises Fear, stress, and feeling anxious seem to be factors in increasing physiological pain.Fear, stress, and feeling anxious seem to be factors in increasing physiological pain. Error Judge whether the following sentence is correct. (Click to see the answer.): sentence is correct. (Click to see the answer.):
College Writing Skills / CWS with Readings, 6E ©2005 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Chapter 5.2 Parallelism Review Exercises Fear, stress, and anxiety seem to be factors in increasing physiological pain.Fear, stress, and anxiety seem to be factors in increasing physiological pain. Correct Judge whether the following sentence is correct. (Click to see the answer.): sentence is correct. (Click to see the answer.):
College Writing Skills / CWS with Readings, 6E ©2005 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Chapter 5.2 Parallelism Review Exercises Hypnosis can quiet the mind by slowing heart rates, lowering respiration rates, and it reduces blood pressure.Hypnosis can quiet the mind by slowing heart rates, lowering respiration rates, and it reduces blood pressure. Error Judge whether the following sentence is correct. (Click to see the answer.): sentence is correct. (Click to see the answer.):
College Writing Skills / CWS with Readings, 6E ©2005 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Chapter 5.2 Parallelism Review Exercises Hypnosis can quiet the mind by slowing heart rates, lowering respiration, and reducing blood pressure.Hypnosis can quiet the mind by slowing heart rates, lowering respiration, and reducing blood pressure. Correct Judge whether the following sentence is correct. (Click to see the answer.): sentence is correct. (Click to see the answer.):