"Implementing the WSIS Action Plan“ -The Kenya WSIS Caucus perspective James NGUO, Regional Director, ALIN (EA) Coordinator, Kenya CS WSIS Caucus
The need for Kenya CS Caucus The important role ICT play in the development arena Realisation that many are CSO are involved in ICT initiatives Lack of a policy or strategy for implementation of ICT activities CSOs aware of the regional and global trends in ICTs. 19 th Nov 2002 Kenyan CSO met and formed the Kenya CSO WSIS Caucus
Members of the Caucus Arid Lands Info Network-SECRETARIAT ABANTU for Development Africa Centre for Women in ICT Africa Regional Centre for Computing Circuits & Packets Communications Limited FEMNET Shelter Forum Intermediate Technology Devt Group ITAC Consulting SIDAREC
Objectives of the Kenya Caucus Ensure an all-inclusive sustainable national ICT policy in Kenya; a policy that takes into account the needs of the people living in poverty, women, youth, differently-abled people, and rural communities.
Milestones of the Caucus Formation the Caucus and linking with other groups regionally and globally Participation 3 WSIS PrepCom meetings Establishment of a website with case studies of ICT initiatives Capacity building of CSO members in ICT policy issues Engagement of other ICTs actors (e.g. KII/KEPSA, Govt) ALL ACTIVITIES COURTESY OF IDRC SUPPORT
Issues the Kenya strategy should address Basically ICTs should improve the livelihood of Kenyans by creating jobs, providing useful and timely information and improve communication. In our opinion an effective ICT policy should address: Infrastructure devt, Sustain the ICT Environment and improve Global competitiveness.
ICT sector development Need to facilitate liberalization and reduce monopolies currently existing in the Telecom sector. There is also need to adopt new technologies increase the number of ICT players The Government should support the local hardware assembly by introducing good incentives to foster industrial growth. The Government should adopt and promote the use of open source solutions
ICT usage The draft policy supports the development of local content. We need to see more of “local content, local languages, local people” More resources should be spent on providing access to marginalized communities in innovative and cost effective ways. Access to information should be a fundamental human right. Approach by TELKOM to have Internet at all Post Offices a good step. The ICT policy should create innovation (R&D), marketing and trade opportunities (e-commerce etc)
Human Resource devt. The are HR action items in the draft policy but the following should be considered; More effort should be made to build the capacity of ICT use especially in the rural areas through involvement of the private and CSO sector. Development of an appropriate ICT curriculum for both Secondary and Primary Education to ensure uniformity. Multi-sectoral (Govt, Pvt sector, CSOs) approach required in the strategy to achieve WSIS plan.
Role of CSOs in implementing the WSIS strategy PROMOTE the use of ICTs for sustainable development ADVOCATE & LOBBY for the development of comprehensive and inclusive ICT strategies INFORM CSOs on national, regional, continental and international deliberations regarding ICTs for development policies, strategies and initiatives. ADVISE national, regional, continental and international institutions on the needs and interests of African CSOs; BUILD CAPACITY: develop capacities of CSOs to actively participate in policy issues. NETWORK and PARTNER with grassroots organisations, national, regional, continental and international institutions to develop and add value to existing policies and initiatives aimed at promoting ICTs
Steps towards Tunis 2005 Awareness creation on ICTs issues, Networking and building coalitions with other ICT actors at national, regional and global level Engage in policy and advocacy, Improve gender equity and access to ICTs Mobilise more CSOs towards Tunis 2005
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