Welcome to St Joseph’s Nursery Class
Who will be looking after my child? Nursery Mrs Stewart (FS Team Leader) Mrs O’ Milegan (Class Teacher) Miss Halpin (Class Teacher) Mrs Davis (Teaching Assistant)
Important things to know: Nursery Hours Full time Nursery: Part time sessions: 8.45am-3.15pm 8.45am- 11.45am Late collections – please collect from the school office . Spare set of clothing on your child’s peg. (trousers, socks, pants, shirt) Wellies on wellie rack for outdoor shoes in wet weather (names please!) Indoor shoes – Velcro plimsolls (with names labelled please) Water bottles with names on (can be purchased from the school office) Please label ALL clothing items (hats, scarves, gloves, coats, cardigans etc) No toys please (only on show and tell days and drop into box) Full time Nursery children: Library books (Monday) Time to talk to your teacher (after pick up) Please always check the notice board for updated news and information .
Uniform White Polo Shirt with Nursery Logo Blue Jumper with Nursery Logo Navy Tracksuit trousers or navy blue shorts Velcro plimsolls for indoor shoes Wellie boots for outdoor shoes in wet weather Coat for winter (dark colours including navy, black or dark grey) PACT folder (book bag) Please ensure a spare set of uniform is left on your child’s peg at all times in case of any ‘accidents’.
Parental Involvement in the Nursery Pact Folders- Every Monday the children drop off their pact folder book in the red box provided in the cloakroom. School Visits- Monday library Visits 1.15pm-2.15pm children take book home) - - November trip to Islington City Farm (List 99) Parent Reader- Every Wednesday we invite a parent to read a book to the children. This takes place at 3.00pm. If you wish to join us for this activity please sign your name on the roster provided on the Nursery Board. New online access to children’s learning journeys _ all parents to please provide emails to set up (please complete the register before you leave 0 thank you) Big books – photos and artwork (available at parents meetings to view and comment) Show and Tell: see timetable posted on Parents Notice board ( next slide)
Show and Tell Timetable Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Nathanael Mya Anaiya Aretha Jenita Liam Charlie Miguel Poppy Arabella Harry Martha Oliver Shello Shoirse Tosca Charlie. M Maisy David Lexi Julia Griffith Maya Alexia Lauren Tianna Prince Henry
What will your child be doing? First 6 weeks are all about settling in- happy in their environment , making friends, gaining confidence to ask for help, separating w from parent/carer with confidence PSE focus- making friends, sharing, turn-taking, independent in toilet routine Our curriculum is based on learning through play , practical real life activities , counting, writing and reading for a purpose. For this reason role play is significant in assessing the children's skills. Maths focus: Counting 1- 20 Recognise 1-10 Recognise basic shapes COM Focus: Listen and maintain attention at circle time, follow simple instructions Literacy focus: Letters and Sounds – Phase 1 Name writing- No capitals please. Emily EMILY Other areas of learning: EAD, UW, PD, RE...planning and activities develop according to the children's’ development and needs See activities sheet for further ideas on parents notice board
Behavioural Expectations in the Nursery Catholic ethos of the school motivates us to create a peaceful and happy environment. Joining in with school prayers. Positive behaviour management strategies used by all members of staff. Traffic light system used throughout the school House points Good sitting, good listening… star of the day, make a fuss mum and dad! Star of the Week Assembly Time Out – will inform Parents of incident Open door policy- inform any changes at home etc
Dates for your diary Inset Day – Friday, 3rd October (school closed) Welcome Liturgy- Monday, 13th October, 9.15am , Infant/ KS1 Hall Parents 1:1 Meetings – Thursday, 23rd October 1pm- 7pm (Children to be collected 1pm) Half- term: 25th October -2nd November School Outing – Islington City Farm, November - Date TBC
School Website http://www.st-josephs.islington.sch.uk/ Check our website for our curriculum information. Buying uniform and uniform expectations. Check our weekly blog for nursery news, photos and more! Lastly, don’t forget to fill in the email list with your class teacher too! Thank you
Finally…. Parent Questions Thanks for attendance