Urban Farming Lindsey Newpher Marsha Riberdy Jacob Watson
The Pros And Cons of Urban Farming
What is Urban Farming? Urban farming according to the UN- HABITAT’S Urban Management Program… Urban farming according to the UN- HABITAT’S Urban Management Program… The UNDP (the United Nations Development Program)… The UNDP (the United Nations Development Program)…
Poverty in Southwest Florida Population by county Population by county Charlotte 154,438 Charlotte 154,438 Collier 314,649 Collier 314,649 Glades 11,230 Glades 11,230 Hendry 40,459 Hendry 40,459 Lee 571,344 Lee 571,344 Percent of population below poverty line Percent of population below poverty line Charlotte 8.1% Charlotte 8.1% Collier 8.8% Collier 8.8% Hendry 16.7% Hendry 16.7% Glades 8.1% Glades 8.1% Lee 8.9% Lee 8.9%
Combating Hunger Harry Chapin Food Bank Harry Chapin Food Bank ECHO ECHO Urban farming? Urban farming?
Urban Farming in Oklahoma Compared To Urban Farming in Florida
The Terrain In Oklahoma.
Terrain In Florida
Florida Demographics Total Area: 65,795 sq mi Population: 15,982,378 in 2000 Population Density: 309 sq mi Population Density: 309 sq mi
Oklahoma Demographics Total Area: 69,960 sq mi Population: 3,450,654 in 2000 Population Density: 50.3 sq mi
Most who grow their own produce do so in mass volumes. Most who grow their own produce do so in mass volumes. Claim they don’t have the time to deal with growing their own food. Claim they don’t have the time to deal with growing their own food. State that if they grow their own food, there is a chance they would put local farmers/friends out of business. State that if they grow their own food, there is a chance they would put local farmers/friends out of business. They are afraid to invest money in something that might not succeed. They are afraid to invest money in something that might not succeed. And all in all there isn’t a lack of land so it just really doesn’t seem necessary for Oklahoman’s to get of the urban farming band wagon. And all in all there isn’t a lack of land so it just really doesn’t seem necessary for Oklahoman’s to get of the urban farming band wagon. Reason’s Why People In Oklahoma Would Be Against Urban Farming.
Reasons Why People in Florida Might Be Against Urban Farming. They only live here for short periods of time. They only live here for short periods of time. Don’t have the time. Don’t have the time. The foods that they may enjoy don’t thrive in the climate in their area. The foods that they may enjoy don’t thrive in the climate in their area. Like the fact that there is a patch of grass they can mow. Like the fact that there is a patch of grass they can mow.
Reasons Why Oklahoman’s Would Be For Urban Farming They would know exactly what was used to grow their food such water, fertilizers, or pesticides. They would know exactly what was used to grow their food such water, fertilizers, or pesticides. People who live miles away from the grocery store would save time and gas by growing their own food. People who live miles away from the grocery store would save time and gas by growing their own food. Would receive subsides. Would receive subsides.
Reasons Why Floridians Would Be For Urban Farming Using that piece of land for something productive. Using that piece of land for something productive. Knowing what they are putting in their bodies. Knowing what they are putting in their bodies. Helping the environment. Helping the environment. Helping those in need. Helping those in need. Having another income. Having another income.
Oklahoma’s Idea of Urban Farming That’s Not Urban Farming MIO-Made In Oklahoma Coalition MIO-Made In Oklahoma Coalition It is a plan put in place to keep money in the state of Oklahoma from the products produced. It is a plan put in place to keep money in the state of Oklahoma from the products produced. Made up of value added products. Made up of value added products. This is their way of being more productive. This is their way of being more productive.
Florida Depends on tourism. Depends on tourism. Land is being lost due to mass production of buildings. Land is being lost due to mass production of buildings. They depend on beautifying through architecture, because that’s how they obtain their money. They depend on beautifying through architecture, because that’s how they obtain their money.
Thoughts I am for urban farming, in areas that do need it. I am for urban farming, in areas that do need it. I don’t feel its necessary to try and force rural areas into urban farming though. I don’t feel its necessary to try and force rural areas into urban farming though. People need to understand their geographic circumstances and what they can do to help, and in doing so they will be helping to maintain a sustainable environment. People need to understand their geographic circumstances and what they can do to help, and in doing so they will be helping to maintain a sustainable environment.
“Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” - Pro View: The present came up with a new technique to grow food for the future. - Con View: Harmful to the future’s needs mainly because of the waste in water usage, but another is the future loss in rural farmers.
Grey Water/ Waste Water - Pro View: This will help the water problem: we recycle our water - Con View: It’s no help because many people will not want to use waste water on plants/ food that they are eventually going to eat. Only the extremely poor and hungry will try using waste water because of their need to survive.
The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) found that by 2010 large cities in Asia, Africa, and Latin America will “require massive increases in the number of truckloads of food coming into the area each year --- increases that would overwhelm the capacity of these cities to distribute food.”
- That is a pro reason why urban farming is necessary on the metropolitan areas across the world. Yes, these areas do need urban farming to help decrease the import of food into the cities; it will also cost less on the city folk this way. - There is something wrong with this, though. One explanation of the increase in city folk is migrants from the rural areas who lost their jobs because of the lesser need of rural farming and the greater need of urban farming around the cities.
Raising Small Herds Within the City Limits - Pro View: The animal waste can be put to use, just as human waste. In Kisumu, Kenya, the residents turned the animal’s dung into a safe and efficient fuel source. - Con View: “Three fourths of the dung produced in Kisumu is not used as fertilizer for growing crops, nor is it a source of fuel for cooking and heating.” Instead, it ends up piling around the city and contaminating the soil and the water.
Urban Farming In Florida Positive: It would work the best in the metropolitan areas, such as Tampa and Miami where the need would be greater than the consequences. Negative: Unlike what most pro-urban farming believers think, some urban areas would not benefit from it; in fact, it would hurt them much more than help them.