13 th World Lake Conference For the Rehabilitation of our Lakes: Global Challenges and Chinese Innovations Nov. 1-5, 2009, Wuhan – China Report by LIU Meiying, MRLSD 18/03/2010AGM, 13 th Living Lakes Conference, Lake Chapala, Mexico1
13 th World Lake Conference, Nov. 1-5, 2009, Wuhan – China Organizers Chinese Society for Environmental Sciences (CSES) Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences (CRAES) The People’s Government of Wuhan Municipality International Lake Environmental Committee Foundation (ILEC) 218/03/2010AGM, 13 th Living Lakes Conference, Lake Chapala, Mexico
Programme at a Glance 5 Plenary Sessions 32 Thematic Seminars Poster exchanges (academic exchanges) Special Events (Governors Dialogue, Mayors Forum, Student Session and a Children Session) Mid-Conference Field Visit China- International Lakes Management and Technology Equipment Exhibition 318/03/2010AGM, 13 th Living Lakes Conference, Lake Chapala, Mexico
GNF: Living Lakes – NGOs promoting solutions Introduction of GNF/ Living Lakes Presentation of case studies: -Lake Victoria, Kenya (Ann Nabangala Obae) -Community based lake water environmental protection - Poyang Lake (Meiying Liu) 518/03/2010AGM, 13 th Living Lakes Conference, Lake Chapala, Mexico
SS3: China Living Lakes Network (CLLN) – A Chinese Initiative for the Protection of Lakes and Wetlands 中国生命湖泊网 —“ 湖泊保护与可 持续发展 ” 中国行动
CLLN – A Chinese Initiative for the Protection of Lakes and Wetlands Opening remarks (MRLSD)(MRLSD) Key Note speech by HU ZhenpengHU Zhenpeng Introduction to Living Lakes (GNF)(GNF) Chinese lakes, vision & mission of CLLN (NIGLAS) (NIGLAS) CLLN Action Plan (YEDI)(YEDI) CLLN Chances and Challenges (CANGO)(CANGO) 818/03/2010AGM, 13 th Living Lakes Conference, Lake Chapala, Mexico
Rehabilitate lakes as a beneficial exploration of developing countries in controlling lake pollution and preventing ecosystem degradation; Preserve ecosystem services, the key to sustainable development, as well as a major objective of lake pollution control; Promote partnerships involving governments, communities, industries and non-governmental organizations, and promote public participation as the basis for a more community-oriented approach to complementing a strictly regulatory approach to the common goals of environmental protection and maintenance of lake basin ecosystem services; Encourage innovation in the concept of lake management and research in eutrophication control technologies, and promote development and implementation of multi-disciplinary technologies for enhancing ecological restoration of lakes and their basin; 11 03/11/2009AGM, 13 th Living Lakes Conference, Lake Chapala, Mexico Wuhan Declaration/ Recommendations
Combine lake management with adaptation of climate change in the context of the emerging realities of global climate change, and boost the development of low-carbon economy, circular economy and green economy; Building on ILEC’s continuing positive experiences in many countries, promote Integrated Lake Basin Management (ILBM) as the primary approach for lake basin management, including integration of this approach into international, national and local level lake basin management policies and programs, and recognition of the institutional, legal, economic, scientific, technological and information pillars comprising ILBM governance; All countries strengthen cooperation to enrich the ILBM concept on a global scale, including expansion of the knowledge base of lake basin management experiences, and establishment of close linkages with global core activities of other transboundary water systems /11/2009AGM, 13 th Living Lakes Conference, Lake Chapala, Mexico
Thank you Visit us at 13 Contact us Secretariat: Promotion Association for Mountain-River- Lake Regional Sustainable Development (MRLSD) 秘书处: 江西山江湖可持续发展促进会 Address: North One Road No.14, Jiangxi Provincial Government Complex, Nanchang City , P. R. China 地址:江西南昌省政府大院北一路 14 号 邮编: Tel: 电话: Fax: 传真: Contact persons: Mechthild ADAMEIT, MAO Yuting 联系人:安玫花,毛玉婷 18/03/2010AGM, 13 th Living Lakes Conference, Lake Chapala, Mexico