NGO Consortium’s Membership ContinentCountryNumber AfricaSomalia 50 LNGOs AfricaKenya 03 INGOs Europe13 54 INGOs North America02 11 INGOs AsiaKorea 01 INGOs Total119
Why Ensuring Participation? “Ensure involvement of Somali counterparts and institutions to guarantee national and regional ownership” – JNA’s Guiding Principle Participation: Is it a Mean or an End (pro-poor programmes = making positive change for Somalis)? Partnership – Transparency (who is agenda?) – Accountability – Meeting mutual, reasonable & realistic expectations of parties – Being part of a global village
Participation: Consistency Between Our Words and Actions – Counting on Major Actors Transitional Federal Charter Fragile States strategy (DAC, DFID & USA) EC Strategy: “…support sustainable improvement of the livelihood of the Somali people” DFID Country Engagement Plan: “…the UK’s Goal is a peaceful, politically stable and economically viable Somalia. This will lead to and be supported by a sustainable reduction in poverty levels” USA Integrated Strategic Plan: “ Goal - A more secure, less vulnerable Somalia in transition towards sustainable development” “…Somalis must have a voice in planning and implementing the strategy”
Making Participation a Reality? Learning from SACB’s experience Building on existing networks – Emerging local institutions – Somali Civil Society – UN agencies – INGOs Availing Learning, Knowledge & Experience from all actors on timely manner Assist in field work Rigorous consultation process at all stages of the JNA Assist in analysis – Feedback, Feedback, Feedback?
Advocacy – The Collective Actions and Multiplying the efforts! TFIs and Civil Society – Mobilizing community and managing expectations. Somali Diaspora and the added value of their dual citizenship UN agencies and the global forces (G8, 0.7 GDP Target, Making Poverty History, Global Security Challenges and Fragile States) INGOs as part of International Civil Society Movement – Targeting Lobby Groups: – Based in 13 European Countries, USA and Canada – Partnership with parliamentarians – Partnership with Media