Employability Skills
SAE Supervised Agricultural Experience
SAE Activities outside of the regular classroom time
SAE Counts toward agricultural education grade
Major Components of Agriscience Program Classroom and laboratory instruction FFA SAE
Is for every student
Purpose of SAE Provides opportunities to explore a variety of subjects about Agriscience
Purpose of SAE Provides educational and practical experience in a specialized area of agriscience
Purpose of SAE Provides opportunities for earning while learning
Purpose of SAE Teaches students to keep good records in a record system (computer where applicable)
Purpose of SAE Win FFA awards (proficiency awards are based on SAE)
Types of SAE Exploratory Entrepreneurship Placement Improvement
Types of SAE Supplemental Analyltical Experimental
Exploratory SAE Where you want to observe and experience a variety of career options
Exploratory SAE Short durations usually; fits beginning students well
Exploratory SAE Help students become literate in agriculture
Exploratory SAE Learn of possible careers
Exploratory SAE Samples; Observing and/or assisting a florist, interviewing a bank loan officer, attending career day
Entrepreneurship Ownership or part- ownership and assume financial risk
Entrepreneurship SAE Develop skills necessary to become established in one’s own business
Entrepreneurship SAE May be production or agribusiness related and involve enterprises (specific crops, livestock, activities)
SAE “Enterprise” A type of animal or plant
Entrepreneurship SAE Production – Raise an agricultural commodity for profit.
Entrepreneurship SAE Production Examples: Produce vegetables, grow Christmas trees, raise horses of livestock, or grow field crops or nursery crops.
Raising Beef Cattle Example of a production SAE project
Entrepreneurship SAE Agribusiness – Students buy and sell an agricultural commodity or service for profit
Entrepreneurship SAE Agribusiness examples: pet business, crop scouting service, feed scales, or running a pay fish operation
Entrepreneurship Type of SAE for students who want to conduct activities for a profit
Placement SAE Students are placed with an employer (full or part time)
Placement SAE Usually paid an hourly wage
Placement SAE Placement in Production – on a farm, ranch, greenhouse, or nursery
Placement SAE Placement in Agribusiness – at a veterinary center, florist, garden center
Improvement Activities Improve the appearance, convenience, efficiency, safety, or value of a home, farm, or ranch
Improvement SAE No wages No ownership
Improvement SAE Benefit by learning skills Examples: landscaping the home, building a fence, painting a room
Supplementary SAE Short-term activities outside the classroom
Supplementary SAE Skill specific, non-wage Examples: Changing oil in a mower, pruning a fruit tree
Changing a Spark Plug Example of a supplementary skill that should be recorded in a record book
Analytical SAE Students choose an agricultural problem not easily tested by experimentation
Analytical SAE Gather and evaluate data Example: Marketing plan for poinsettia crop
Experimental SAE Students conduct an agricultural experiment using the scientific method
Experimental SAE Comparing the effects of various fertilizers on plant growth
Record Book or Computer Best place to keep SAE records
Employability Skills