2 What is CRCID? Outline: Introduction What is CRCID CRCID & CIDA CRCID & Rotary Organizational Change 2005 Institutional Review Transition to Programs Brief outline of Programs District Responsibilities
3 What is CRCID CRCID Stands for: Canadian Rotary Collaboration* for International Development Recognized as a Multi-District Activity by Rotary International Umbrella for all Canadian Rotary clubs seeking matched funding from Canadian Government. * Formally known as Canadian Rotary Committee for International Development
4 What is CRCID? CRCID Provides: Matched funding for Cdn. R/C World Community Service programs and/or projects. Development Education to Cdn. Rtns. Evaluation of programs and projects. Expertise and support.
5 CRCID and CIDA Between 1982 and 2006, CRCID received CAD$22,467,377 from CIDA $18,195,434 for program funding; $ 4,271,943 for Rotary’s Polio Eradication Initiative 3-Year Contribution Agreements with CIDA for block funding Approved June 1, 2006 for CAD $2.49 million Funding includes 12% for admin. support. Potential for program funding from CIDA country desks. E.g. A program in Haiti by White Rock, BC clubs
6 CRCID and Rotary CRCID only matches Rotary funds identified as Canadian CRCID Members are Cdn. Rtns. appointed by 23 DGs in Zone 22. CRCID Staff are Rtns. Close relations with TRF in Evanston As of May 2005, TRF Canada Tax Receipting Coordinator located in CRCID office. As of May 2007 Foundation Fulfillment Coordinator located in CRCID office.
Institutional Review CIDA conducts regular reviews of partner NGOs Collaborative process between CIDA; NGO; and, Independent Evaluator CRCID’s latest review took place in late 2004; Final Report published March 2005
Institutional Review 3 Options Recommended for CRCID: 1. Disband; 2. Maintain Status Quo; or, 3. Transform CRCID
Institutional Review Option 1: Disband Impact upon Rotary: Risky for Canadian clubs because it is unlikely that individual club projects would qualify for CIDA funding.
Institutional Review Option 2: Status Quo Impact upon Rotary: High risk for CIDA and Rotary supporters; Fail to capitalize on Rotary’s extraordinary potential; Not sustainable.
Institutional Review At the 2005 CRCID AGM the Board and membership approved the decision to transform the organization according to option 3
Institutional Review Option 3: Transformation Impact Upon Rotary: Conflicts with traditional Rotary culture; Most challenging of the 3 options; Once completed holds greatest promise for lasting impact on a large scale.
13 How to Transform CRCID? Needed to first review recent trends in development to determine “how much of a transition was necessary”. Noted that there have been 3 waves of development over past 40+ years.
14 3 Waves of Aid 1. Tradition of charity Help those less fortunate; Service above Self; Most WCS part of this wave; Drawbacks: Small scale in relation to problem; Little impact on widespread or endemic issues. Not necessarily consistent with country priorities
15 3 Waves of Aid 2. Basic Human Rights Large scale gov’t to gov’t funding; Improved governance in developing countries; Drawbacks: Bureaucracy/red tape; Inefficiency & waste Beneficiaries not involved in decision-making processes.
16 3 Waves of Aid 3. Entrepreneurial Focus on programs rather than projects. Support sustainable development efforts as identified by beneficiaries to reduce poverty. Drawbacks: New approach & too early to determine effectiveness Paradigm shift for many organizations, including CRCID
17 Projects to Programs Projects Weaknesses: Uncoordinated development for region or country Focus on individual communities; Capacity drain caused by managing multiple projects; Short life cycle (1-3 yrs.)
18 Projects to Programs Programs Definition: A Program is a multitude of projects implemented in a coordinated way to address a sector wide concern Strengths of Programs: Coordinated development for region or country; Single management process; Longer life cycle (3+ yrs.)
19 CRCID Program Model Rotary Program Related Club Project 3 Related Club Project 2 Related Club Project 1 $ $
20 Geographic Focus CRCID initially mandated to fund projects in any ODA (Official Development Assistance) country CIDA recommended geographic focus because: Insufficient funding to make impact; Easier for monitoring & evaluation. Initially selected 7 Rotary Districts: 3280; 4690; 4250; 9100; 9200; 9210; and, 9250 Reduced to 10 countries within 7 Districts for 2006/09 program: Based upon where approved programs being implemented
Programs 1. Health Concerns Orphans & Vulnerable Children (OVC) Programs ANCHOR – Mozambique; CDCC - South Africa; and, TRACC – Uganda. Malaria (Tanzania)
Programs 2. Literacy & Education: Ripple Effect Program (Guatemala) Project Honduras Program (Honduras)
Programs 3. Water Management: Nakuru Program (Kenya) Water for Humanity (Ghana)
24 CRCID Vision The Canadian Rotary Collaboration for International Development will be a leading advocate in fostering the alleviation of poverty and improving the quality of life through facilitating the implementation of sustainable international development programs.
25 CRCID Funding Model Program Funding: Quarterly advances based on annual budget & financial statements. Project Funding: CRCID funds advanced when all other funds contributed
26 CRCID Funding Model Criteria for Funding: Only Recognized Cdn. Rotary Entities eligible for funding(i.e. clubs); Matched funding (0.8:1) of Cdn. Rotary contributions; 10% Management fee; 6 month monitoring (interim) reports.
27 CRCID Evolving Expand committee membership beyond CRCID membership CRCID initiated programs TRF managed CRCID Restricted Fund Account Visioning Committee
28 The Beginning… Are there any questions?