PCOE PBIS Coaches Institute January 20, 2015 Kim Wood & Kerri Fulton
Training Components Key elements of authentic staff engagementAssessing/Action Planning for engagement with TFITraining/Re-training staffSharing dataGathering staff inputStaff acknowledgment systems
Use your bucket to collect your pearls Notes Other Thoughts Pearls of Wisdom Something to remember Something to try
Systems (and person) Change Requirements VisionSkillsIncentivesResources Action Plan
Human Service Collaborative. (1996). Building local systems of care: Strategically managing complex change. [Adapted from T. Knosler (1991), TASH Presentations]. Washington: DC. If you run into trouble...
Assessing and Action Planning for staff buy-in using the TFI 5 questions within TFI 1.5 Professional Development 1.10 Faculty Involvement 1.11 Student/Family/Community Involvement 1.14 Annual Evaluation (Universal/Tier I) 2.9 Professional Development 2.13 Annual Evaluation (Tier II)
Action Plan/Notes: Engagement Write down at least one point/idea that you will share with your team. Write down one question from the TFI you will focus on as a team.
Strategic Training Plans
Training Logistics Initial training (ALL staff) Refreshers Substitutes/ New staff
Examples: YouTube/PowerPoint sentsent to all staff: Handouts for substitutes/guest teachers
Effective Staff Training Strategies Model/coach Give opportunity to practice Provide feedback In addition to written descriptions….
Refresher trainings Use TFI/SET to identify areas with low fidelity Provide at staff meetings, individually, or via technology
Training Considerations Plan for initial trainings Identify when refreshers are needed Plan for training subs Plan for training new staff Determine training format(s)
Action Plan/Notes: Training Write down highlights and things to try about staff training (including initial, refresher, subs, and new staff) Think about what you currently have in place (PBIS handbook, PLCs, etc.)
Sharing FIDELITY data with staff “ Are we doing what we said we would do?” Frequency Share data with who? Reasoning Mechanisms Tier I/II Anytime you complete a portion of the TFI or SET Anytime you implement a change on campus All staff Other stakeholders (as appropriate) Accountability To encourage the team and staff to keep going- progress! To highlight areas of strength and need Reports (SWIS, Attendance, other?) Assessment results Individual Student Individual Student Plans: Within first month of implementing an individualized intervention Members of student team (as appropriate) Other stakeholders (as appropriate) To see if the plan is effective For recognition of the work that is being done To encourage the student and team to keep working Talking point at intervention meeting shout-out
Sharing OUTCOME data with staff “Is what we are doing making a difference for students?” Tiers I-III Frequency At least 3x per year At staff meetings (5 minutes) Year end Reasoning It’s encouraging! It’s informing! (“Gosh, my work really is making a difference!) Perpetuates continued efforts! Mechanisms Staff mailboxes (data reports) blast Announcements Staff acknowledgement board Thank yous from parents, students
Action Plan/Notes: Sharing Data Write down highlights and things to try about sharing data with staff. Think about what you currently have in place for sharing fidelity and outcome data.
Soliciting Staff Input & Feedback Determine schedule (e.g., minimally annually for universal foundations) Determine feedback triggers (e.g., new interventions introduced school-wide or for students, low fidelity in an area)
Staff feedback formats During staff meetings: thumbs up, middle down or fist to five Paper surveys Feedback box Using technology (Google Forms, )Google Forms
What to do with feedback? Discuss concerns individually or at meetings Consider modifying processes Respond to staff about feedback Provide clarification if needed
Action Plan/Notes: Staff Feedback Write down highlights and things to try about soliciting staff feedback. Think about what you currently have in place at your site(s).
Staff Acknowledgement Systems Change is hard!! Incentives can help staff build new habits. Outline protocols for staff acknowledgement: How and when? Is there a reward associated? Schedule/process if raffle involved? Staff acknowledge each other? Students/families acknowledge staff?
Example: Staff Recognition PPPPublic recognition for giving out Clemente bucks. GGGGolden fire boot for staff whose class has best Fire Drill behavior. BBBBuilding service recognition for cleanest classroom/ stations. PPPPublic recognition for student attendance. PPPParking in an administrator’s parking space for a week. AAAAdministrator/Counselor class coverage. AAAAdministrator/Counselor walk class to lunch. MMMMovie passes GGGGift certificates
More ideas for acknowledging staff Ticket rewards For Class prizes, teacher is awarded also Notepads in office (Leave a nice note!) Refreshments Dinner on Parent Conference Days Special Parking place 30 minute or 1 Period teaching Pass Extra recess Raffle using student acknowledgement tickets, if staff signs them Class/duty coverage Recognition in newsletter Social Media shout-out
Staff Acknowledgement Considerations Recognition for specific PBIS implementation Team building & Celebrations Creative and low- cost ideas Consistency and structure Peer acknowledgement
Action Plan/Notes: Staff Acknowledgement Systems Write down highlights and things to try about staff acknowledgement systems. Think about what you currently have in place, and whether it is working.
Questions? Thank you!