THE ISSUE Nile water agreements between Egypt and the British date back more than 100 years. Core objective: No up projects affecting Egypt’s share of water. The independence move of the sixties. Criticism and the seeds of confrontation. The consensus on the need for a paradigm shift: cooperation instead of confrontation.
EARLY ATTEMPTS Before 1993: Technical Cooperation Committee for the Promotion of the Development and Environmental Protection of the Nile Basin (TECCONILE). Shortcomings.
NILE BASIN INITIATIVE 1997 Nile-COM called World Bank to cooperate with UNDP&CIDA to establich a cooperating scheme for NB countries. 1998 NB countries (except Eriteria) jointly established an inclusive transitional mechanism for cooperation until a permanent framework is established. In 1999 the process was officially named the NB Initiative.
SHARED VISION A negotiated statement: “ To achieve sustainable socioeconomic development through the equitable utilization of, and benefit from, the common Nile Basin water resources.”
REALIZATION OF THE VISION Two main strategic action programmes (SAP’s); namely: 1.Eastern Nile Subsidiary Action Programme (ENSAP): Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia 2.Nile Equatorial Lakes Subsidiary Action Programme (NELSAP):
NBI INSTITUTIONAL SET UP Council Of Ministers Nile-COM. Technical Advisory Committee Nile-TAC. Nile Basin Initiative Secretariat Nile-SEC.
NBI: FUNDING & ADMINISTRATION OF FUNDS NBI countries themselves and donor countries. Canada, Denmark, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and the United Kingdom. 2003: Nile Basin Trust Fund (NBTF). World Bank administers the Trust Fund. NBTF Committee. Bilateral direct contributions to individual projects.
Nile Basin Trust Fund Used for the following purposes: Basin-wide level: -Implementation of projects of the SVP. -Strengthening NBI institutional capacity. -Facilitate dialogue among NBI countries. Sub-basin level: -Investment projects for ENSAP&NELSAP. -Capacity-building -Preparation of joint projects. -Advisory services.
SHARED VISION PROGRAMME Eight Projects: Confidence Building and Stakeholder Involvement Nile-Sec/Entebbe. Nile Basin Regional Power Trade.Tanzania Efficient Water Use for Agricultural Production.Kenya Transboundary Environmental Action.Sudan Water Resources Planning and Management.Ethiopia Applied TrainingEgypt. SVP Coordination Project.Nile-SEC/Entebbe Sustainable Development and Benefit Sharing Nile-SEC/Entebbe