Prayer List Leeland Neeley – successful second heart surgery January 4, at AR Children’s Hospital. Wes Tarte – back surgery to be scheduled. Doris Wood (Paula Tarte’s grandmother) St. Mary’s #251. Mildred Brown (Johanna Kenner’s mother) St. Mary’s #383. Willanna Jones (Linda Lambert’s step-daughter) UAMS #616-H. Glendon Master (Joyce Owens’ cousin) St. Mary’s #450 after a leg amputation January 2.
Announcements Congratulations to Boyd Culwell who was baptized by Lynn Donnell January 5. CIA (Children in Action) will meet Sunday nights in the new youth room, #2. Parents are asked to drop off kids by 4:30 and pick them up by 6:30 PM. Teens are invited to hear “Deas Vail” and “Run Kid Run” live at The Cornerstone Thursday, January 13 at 6:30 PM.Deas VailRun Kid Run Teachers who taught any time in 2010 are invited to a Teacher Appreciation Banquet Sunday, January 23, at noon, in the Family Center. We need baby wipes for the Nursery. If you can help, please bring them to the Nursery Communion servants are needed for March and July. Sign the list in the hallway.
Numbers WeekDateTopic 108 Dec10Numbers: An Introduction 215 Dec10Census and Organization: 1:1-4: Dec10Purity of the Camp: 5:1-6: Dec10Dedication of the Tabernacle: 7:1-9: Jan 11Failure of Israel: 10:1-12: Jan 11Pinnacle of Failure at Kadesh: 13:1-14: Jan 11Failure of Israel in the Wilderness: 15:1-19: Jan 11Failure of Israel enroot to Moab: 20:1-25: Feb 11Reorganization of Israel: 26:1-27: Feb 11Regulations of Offerings and Vows: 28:1-30: Feb 11Division of the Land: 31:1-33: Feb 11Further Division of the Land: 33:50-36: Mar 11Review
References Constable Notes - Primary Halley’s Bible Handbook JFB Bible Commentary ISBE (Encyclopedia)
Key Points for Today’s Lesson Events of today’s lesson begin in year two after the Exodus, in the second month, on day 20 Learn about the purpose of the silver trumpets Learn about events as the Israelites travel from Sinai to Kadesh Barnea Learn about the rebellion of Miriam and Aaron against Moses
Last Week’s Lesson Studied Numbers 7-9 Learned more details about the dedication of the temple and offerings made by the Israelites Learned about the consecration of the Levites Reviewed supplementary instructions for the Passover Learned about events that occurred as the Israelites prepared for their journey
Historical Background The book opens as the Israelites were in the second month of the second year after they departed Egypt (1:1) Chapters 7:1-10:10 occurred before the timeline of the events of the book of Numbers – Events occurred as Moses finished setting up the tabernacle – Tabernacle was set up on the 1 st day of the 1 st month of the 2 nd year; Numbers started on the 1 st day, 2 nd month, 2 nd year – Read Numbers 7:1, then Numbers 7:84, then Exodus 40:17, then Numbers 1:1 to better understand the timeline
Historical Background Continued Scholars determined the book had been written close to Moses’ death, around 1406 BC – Exodus happened around 1446 BC (1 Ki 6:1) – Israelites were in the wilderness 40 years (Num 32:13) – Moses died shortly before they entered the Promised Land (Deut 34:5) Numbers closes out when the Israelites were in the 10 th month of the 40 th year (see Deut 1:3) – The book of Numbers covers about 39 years
Hebrew Calendar
Timeline EventYearHebrewDayMonth Departure from Egypt1446Nisan15April Quail and Manna provided1446Iyyar15May Ten Commandments in the Sinai1446Sivan?Jun Tabernacle Built1445Iyyar1April Depart from Sinai1445Iyyar20May At Kadesh-Barnea – second time1406Nisan1March At Mt. Hor – Aaron Dies1406Ab1Jul Moses Death1406Shebat1Jan Cross Jordan1405Nisan10Apr Keep Passover and Manna ceases1405Nisan14Apr
Geographical Background Israelites traveled from Mt. Sinai to the plains of Moab – East of Jericho and the Jordan River However, not a direct route – Proceeded from Sinai to Kadesh Barnea – On Canaan’s southern border Failed to proceed to the Promised Land from Kadesh Barnea because of unbelief – Wondered 38 more years in the wilderness God finally brings them back to Kadesh, then led them to the Plains of Moab on Canaan’s eastern border
Key Lessons Of Numbers Show how God dealt with the Israelites as they anticipate entrance into the Promised Land Events that led to the destruction of the older generations of Israelites in the wilderness Preparation of the new generation for entrance into the Promised Land Provided a warning to younger members of the community of Israel about the wrath of God on their parents because of their failure to obey the covenant
The Tribes of Israel
Quick Primer on Aaron Descended from Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob Great-grandfather was Levi Grandfather was Kohath (remember Kohathites) Brother of Moses (Ex 6:16-20) Sons were Nadab, Abihu, Eleaszr, Thamar Sister was Miriam First High Priest of the Israelites Remained with Israelites when Moses was being educated at the Egyptian royal court Know for eloquent and persuasive speech Not allowed to enter Canaan
Israel’s Family Hierarchy Family – Foundation of the nation of Israel Clan – Basic unit of a tribe – Composed of families – Varying sizes Tribe – 12 total, born of Jacob (called Israel) Nation
Places Desert of Paran – 100 miles + north and east of Mt. Sinai – Israelites spent much of their 40 years wondering around this desert – Place where Ishmael and Hagar were taken (Gen 21) – King David spent time here after Samuel dies (1 Sam 25:1) Taberah – Three days journey from Mt. Sinai towards Canaan – Gods fire consumes the edges of the Israelite camp – Also called Kibroth Hattaavah
Two Silver Trumpets (10:1-10) God orders priests to announce His movement of the people by blowing two silver trumpets – Israelites did not always watch the cloud – Sound would reach the entire camp – Trumpets used in times of war in Canaan (Jos 6:8) – Remind Israelites that He would deliver them – Also, announced the feasts of Israel (vs. 10) First reference to the New Moon feast (vs. 10) – Signaled the beginning of a new month – Was consecrated to God like the Sabbath
Sinai to Kadesh Barnea(10:11-36) Israelites had been at Mt. Sinai for almost one year (see Ex 19:1, Num 10:11) – All that Moses records between Ex 19:1 and Num 10:11 occurs during this year Region in which they travelled was very inhospitable – Size of the nation was estimated to be from 300K to 2.5M – Travel time on foot from Sinai to Kadesh would have been around 11 days (Deut 1:2)
Sinai to Kadesh Barnea(10:11-36) Israelites broke camp and proceeded to march as God had commanded (vs ) – Tabernacle receives special attention Hobab, a Midianite and Moses’ brother-in-law, agrees to act as a scout for the nation – Scholars believe Moses erred in extending this invitation – God was leading them and they really did not need Hobab Moses prays whenever the cloud moves and stops (vs )
Travels to Kadesh Barnea (11:1-35) Israel arrives at Taberah (vs. 1-3) – People complain of hardships – God is angered and sends fire to consume part of the camp – People cries out to Moses and fire dies down Rabble, e.g. foreigners, among them begin to crave other food besides manna – Israelites join in the complaint – Remembered the “good life” in Egypt Moses complains to God about the pressures of his life (vs )
God accommodates Moses – Provided 70 men to share in Moses’ responsibilities of explaining God’s will to the people – God provided these men His spirit and the ability to prophesy ( Hebrew word meaning inspired and without prior training) temporarily God answers people’s complaint of only manna by providing them more quail than they could eat (vs. 20) – Became a punishment Travels to Kadesh Barnea (11:1-35)
Joshua shows his jealousy for Moses’ honor in the nation (vs ) – Moses realized that Israel would be better off if God had given all the people His Spirit and the gift of inspiration (vs. 29) – What is the role of this Spirit today? (Gal 4:6) The Spirit of God settles the leadership problem, the wind solved the food proble Travels to Kadesh Barnea (11:1-35)
Rebellion of Miriam and Aaron (12:1-16) Miriam and Aaron speak out against Moses – Because he has a Cushite wife of African decent – Not Zipporah, who was a Midian – God had only forbid marriage to Canaanites (Ex 34:16 – Also, states that God had spoken through them God summons Aaron and Miriam – God states that he speaks to only Moses face to face – Angered, God inflicts Miriam with leprousy – Moses intervenes on her behalf and she is ordered to leave the camp for seven days Israelites leave Hazeroth, camp in Desert of Paran
Review Events of today’s lesson began in year two after the Exodus, in the second month, on day 20 Learned about the purpose of the silver trumpets to alert movement and announce festivals Learned about events as the Israelites travel from Sinai to Kadesh Barnea (complaints!) Learn about the rebellion of Miriam and Aaron against Moses, arising out of jealousy Next week: Numbers 13:1-14:45