Reception Parents / Carers Meeting September 2013
Aims of this Meeting Give information about Reception in terms of staff and the curriculum. Reinforce expectations for the coming year.
The Reception team Yellow Class: Mrs Anthony — class teacher. Mrs Walia and Ms McArthur — teaching assistants. Blue Class: Miss Harris — class teacher. Mrs Jones — nursery nurse/teaching assistant. Red Class: Mr McKinlay — class teacher. Mrs Udo and Mrs Micklethwaite — teaching assistants.
The Reception Team (cont) Other Adults: Mrs Roberts (Curriculum support) Mrs Price (Curriculum support) Mrs Shephard (ICT Technician + Reading Support) Mrs Buckoke (Inclusion) Mrs Ramage (1/2 day cover per week for each teacher for planning, preparation and assessment ) Mrs Wray (Music)
Home-School Links Informal contact – after school. Formal meetings – 2 consultation weeks (October and February). Letters and Information – check , Fronter and website. Pact reading record book – Once a week books will be changed, please ensure that PACT folder is brought in everyday. Homework – no formal tasks, however we encourage daily reading, plus everyday stories and games to be played at home.
Reception Topics Autumn 1 All about me. Spring 1 Dinosaurs. Summer 1 Mini beasts and lifecycles. Autumn 2 Festivals. Spring 2 Fairy tales and superheroes! Summer 2 Transport and space.
Learning through play! Free flow. Independently accessed activities. Lots of outdoor time. ICT opportunities. Hands on learning.
Phonics Phases Phase 2 Sounds satpinmd gockckeur hbffflllss Phase 3 Sounds jvwxyzzzqu chshth ngaieeigh oaoo arorurowoi earairureer Phase 5 Sounds ayouieeaoyirue awwhphew oeaua_e e_ei_eo_eu_e * Phase 4 is the revision of Phases 2 and 3
High Frequency Words Phase 2 Words aanandasatbackbigbut candadgetgogothadhimhis Iifinintoisitmumnot noofoffonputthetoup Phase 3 Words allarebedownforheherlook memynowseeshethatthemthen theythistoowaswewillwithyou
High Frequency Words (cont) Phase 4 Words childrencomedofromhavehelpit’s justlikelittleoneoutsaidsosome therewentwhatwhenwere Phase 5 Words aboutaskedbycalledcame coulddaydon’therehouseI’mlooked mademakeMrMrsoholdpeople sawtheirtimeveryyour
A Few Reminders! Book bags bought in daily, with the books and reading record book. Names on EVERYTHING PLEASE! Water bottles – all through the year, water only. No sweets for treats. Hair care! Attendance and Punctuality. Children may get messy – it’s all part of learning! Children’s collection time – please be prompt: 3:20pm.