The Educational Systems in PolandPoland
The School System in Poland
The present educational system was introduced in 1999.
In 1999 primary school was shortened from 8 to 6 years, and secondary school was changed from 4 year lyceum into 3 year gymnasium and 3 year lyceum.
Higher Education Secondary School Primary School Pre-school education Before the reorganization 8 years years Up to 6 years
Higher Education Upper Secondary School Lower Secondary School Primary School Pre-school education Recent system 6 years 3 years Up to 6 years years
Higher Education Secondary School years Primary School 8 years Pre-school education beforenow Higher Education Upper Secondary School years Lower Secondary School 3 years Primary School 6 years Pre-school education
In Poland parents are required by law to provide their children with education between age 6-18.
The total number of years of primary and secondary education is 12 or 13. Students are required to graduate primary and lower secondary school.
Most children receive free education in schools financed from public founds. A small proportion of children attend private schools.
Pre-school nurseries and kindergartens are available for children to enter the schooling system at an earlier stage.
Both boys and girls are taught together in most primary and lower secondary schools and almost all pupils from upper secondary schools attend mixed secondary school.
The school year (ten months) is divided into two semesters: Winter term- from September 1st to winter brake in February (changeable). Spring term- from February to third week of June.
Grading It is a method used in Polish schools to record pupils achievements. Every school keeps a record of each student’s achievements in order to have basis for measuring his/her progress. Absence is also marked. Every class has a book where grades are written down.
Grading Marks: 6-perfect 5-very good 4-good 3-average 2-pass 1-fail The worst grade in Polish school is 1, the best one is 6.
Pre-school education
Infants Nursery Schools Education for children under three. It is more form of child care rather than education and may be provided by an infant nursery schools or infant class attached to the local nursery school. Parents pay a fee.
Nursery Schools /Kindergartens/ For children between 3-6 years old- it will change soon-children at age 6 will go to the primary school.
Nursery Schools /Kindergartens/ Children learn: how to move and control their body (physical-motor skills), how to communicate (language skills), how to relate to themselves and to other people in their world( social-emotional, relationship skills), how to think and learn about the world around them (thinking skills), how to read (primary reading skill - any homework), how to calculate ( basic mathematics).
School education
Primary Schools /Elementary Schools/ the first cycle 1-3 grades the second cycle 4-6 grades 6 grades two cycles Beginning learning is offered Systematic learning is provided Period: 6 years Age: 7-12
Primary Schools /Elementary Schools/ The first cycle 1-3 grades The main components taught are One teacher teaches all subjects No marking system Polish language English language social & natural environment mathematics crafts & technology art & music physical education religion (not obligatory) teacher writes a detailed note where report the student’s progress, attitude, activities and social adjustment
Primary Schools /Elementary Schools/ The second cycle 4-6 grades The main components taught are Each subject has a different teacher Pupils change classroom for each subject One lesson takes 45 minutes Polish language foreign language mathematics science history music art& crafts computer studies physical education religion (not obligatory)
Lower Secondary School /G ymnasium/ 3 grades The main components taught are Each subject has a different teacher Pupils change classroom for each subject One lesson takes 45 minutes Polish language foreign language mathematics science history social studies chemistry biology geography music art& crafts computer studies physical education religion (not obligatory) Period: 3 years Age: 13-15
Upper Secondary Schools /High Schools / Types of post-gymnasium schools: 3-year specialized lyceum, 3-year general lyceum, 4-years technical secondary school, 2 or 3-year vocational school, 2-year complementary lyceum, 3-year complementary technical secondary school.
Upper Secondary Schools Upper Secondary schools provide pupils with general education, with the possibility of receiving the graduation certificate of general education. Those who have passed the final examination called maturity exam may apply to universities. Those who do not want to study at university and those who have not taken the maturity examination may continue their education in post - secondary vocational schools.
Post - secondary vocational schools Secondary schools of vocational education prepare qualified workers and others with equivalent qualification. The purpose of these schools is to meet the demand for qualified workers, and they also provide young people with the opportunity of acquiring secondary education and taking the maturity examination. Students are trained as nurses, accountants, administrative personnel for enterprises and hotels, computer specialists, librarians, hair stylist, beauty specialist etc...
Secondary Schools /High Schools / To qualify for admission to an institution of higher education, the applicant must hold the secondary school certificate-the maturity exam. The rules of admission to the first year of study are determined autonomously by each institution. Some organize competitive entrance examinations, others use ranking procedures based on the final grades listed in the secondary school certificate, still others admit all who apply.
Higher Education Institutions as: universitiespolytechnics economic academies agricultural academies others Day studies in public higher schools are free of charge.
Teachers- qualifications Teachers must have at least Bachelor's Degree and pedagogical preparation. In Poland, teachers trained at university level in one subject alone may be qualified to work at all levels of education from primary to university level.
Teachers- working The teaching norm consists of 40 hours per week, of which 18 hours per week activity (teaching) in the school.
Stages of the teacher’s professional career There are four steps on this ladder. Teacher starts work in school as: trainee and depending on his professional achievements and after fulfilling the conditions envisaged by the law may during his career become: a contract teacher, an appointed teacher and a professionally qualified teacher.
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