Bellwork for April 14, 2014 Take any handouts from the back counter. Write in your agenda. – Identify and analyze symbolism in a literary text. – Correctly use common usage errors in English within context. Begin your bellwork for this week. Complete 1-5 in the TCAP practice packet. Write your answers and a short explanation on the worksheet you picked up on your way into the classroom.
Symbolism Writers use many literary devices to add layers of meaning to their writing. One way they do this is by using symbolism. Symbolism is when writers use animals, elements, things, places, or colors to represent other things. The symbols they use are usually well known in literature or culture. When you understand the symbol being used, you connect its meaning to the story you are reading and understand the story on a deeper level. Another way to understand symbolism is to think about how the media, movies, television, and music videos use symbols to immediately make us think of or connect with other things.
For example… In westerns, who wears the white hat? The good guy or the hero because white is a symbol for good or innocence In westerns, who wears the black hat? The bad guy or villain because black is a symbol for evil
With your group… Match the symbol with its meaning. We will check your answers as we take notes over symbolism.
See you do know about symbols! Often colors are used represent various characteristics or emotions. ColorMeaning WhiteThe symbol of good or innocence. Brides and angels wear white. BlackThe symbol of evil. Villains in old time movies often wore black. RedThe symbol of love or courage. Red is the color of Valentine's Day. BlueThe symbol of beauty and loyalty. The sky is blue, and Mary in the Bible is usually pictured wearing blue.
ColorMeaning PurpleThe symbol of royalty. In ancient times only the king or emperor was allowed to wear purple. GoldThe symbol of wealth and power. Gold is the precious metal we prize the most. Only the rich and powerful possess a lot of gold. GreenThe symbol of hope, growth, and new life. In the spring, the earth turns green bringing us the hope of a new season.
Writers use symbolic colors in their work in many ways. Sometimes color can be used to describe clothing of characters or in the setting of a story. If you are looking for them, these symbols tell you more about the characters and the story. Colors are not the only things that are used as literary symbols. Often nature provides writers with symbols.
Sometimes natural phenomena are used as symbols for times in life. SymbolThe Reason Night symbolizes death.Night is the end of the day the same way death is the end of life. Sunrise is the symbol for a new beginning. The sunrise is the beginning of a new day and each day offers a chance to start over. Sunset is the symbol for nearing the end. The sunset is the end of the day. Fall is the symbol of middle age. Fall is late in the year and the growing season ends the same way middle age is a time when people slow down. Spring is the symbol of new life. Spring is when the earth comes back to life and everything blooms creating new life. Summer is the symbol for ______________. Winter is the symbol for _____________.
SymbolMeaning FireThe symbol of cleansing and purification. Fire burns everything away leaving things cleared to begin again. WaterThe symbol of life and cleansing Water is necessary to live and is used in church to wash away our sins. AirThe symbol of change. As air sweeps in taking the form of wind it sweeps away the old and brings in the new. StoneThe symbol of building and solidity. Stone is natural, of the earth, and the strongest building material.
Although there are many other symbols that writers use, one last set must be addressed-- animals. States and countries choose animals to represent traits they want associated with them. Nursery rhymes and cartoons use animals as characters and those characters can often be interpreted symbolically.
With your group, explain why each of these might represent these characteristics. Be ready to share! AnimalWhat it symbolizes… BearStrong or Grouchy DovePeace or Love HawkWar LionCourage or Leadership
Now, think of two more animals not listed on the previous page. What characteristics might these animals symbolize? *Hint- Think about nursery rhymes or cartoons.*
Watch the following video. F599mU6L4&
Most symbols in literature connect to things you are familiar with in life. Being aware that writers use them, means that you can spot them in the stories you read and make connections to the meanings these symbols have. This helps you to understand the story on a much deeper level.
What is symbolism? Think of The Outsiders. 1.What are some things that stood out in that novel? (Brainstorm 2-3 things) 2.What do those things resemble in the book or the novel? 3.What is the author’s attitude towards them?
On your own… Read the two poems about spiders. Annotate the meaning of each poem. Then, compare and contrast the two in a Venn Diagram (place on the back of the worksheet). Write a paragraph of 5-6 sentences explaining what the spider symbolizes in each poem. Make sure to use text evidence to support your answer.