Oregon Olivia B.W., Taylor R., John L.
Capital City, Major Cities, Region in the U.S. Capital City: Salem Major Cities: Portland, Springfield, Medford Region in the United States: The Pacific States The Pacific States
Population, Nickname Population: 3,421,399 people Nickname: Beaver State
State Flag, State Bird, State Tree State flag State bird, Western Meadowlark, State flower, Oregon Grape, State tree, Douglas-Fir
Geography Oregon includes rain forests, mountains, deserts, valleys, rivers, canyons, waterfalls, plains, and plateaus.
History Lewis and Clark spent the winter of near the rugged Oregon coast at what is now known as Ft. Clatsop. The Oregon trail stretches about 2,000 miles from Independence. Oregon became a state on February 14, 1895.
Economy, Jobs, Products Greenhouses and nursery products timber, beef cattle, milk, wheat, hay, electronic equipment, wood products, food products, transportation equipment, machinery, metal products, paper products, printed materials.
Popular Attractions and Sports Teams Sea lion Caves, Japanese gardens, Mount Hood Railroad, The Oregon Vortex Sports Teams: Portland Forest Dragons {AFL}, Portland Trailblazers {NBA}
Famous People, Colleges/Universities Famous People: Ann Curry- Television Journalist, Beverly Clearly – Author Portland University, Reed College, Southern Oregon University, Warner Pacific College
Resources Used World Book Encyclopedia 2002