Issue Team Recommendations for Wood & CFS Mid-rise light-frame shear wall buildings New soft-story structures New hillside structures New open front structures Light-frame structures with masonry veneer
Mid-rise Light-frame Shear Wall Buildings: Performance, Design, Detailing
Mid-rise Light-frame Shear Wall Buildings: Performance, Design, Detailing Issues: Extended into mid-rise construction without adequate knowledge of seismic performance Is adequate safety provided? How do we design for performance? What tools are needed for multi-story stacked shear wall analysis and design?
New Soft-story Structures: Reconsider Irregularity Implications
New Soft-story Structures: Reconsider Irregularity Implications Issues: Analysis and shake table testing consistently shows that light-frame construction exhibits extreme soft story behavior, regardless of design to avoid this behavior Study is needed to consider what is achieved by current code limitations and practical ways to approach new building design
New Soft-story Structures: Reconsider Irregularity Implications Resources: San Francisco CAPSS/ATC 71-1 CUREE-Caltech Woodframe Project NEESWood Project UC Berkeley House Testing Others?
New Hillside Structures Design Recommendations
New Hillside Structures Design Recommendations Issues: In the Northridge Earthquake, collapses occurred in light-frame hillside structures A substantial portion of housing inventory is of hillside construction Current code permits design of hazardous buildings
New Hillside Structures Design Recommendations Resources: Northridge earthquake experience City of Los Angeles ordinance CUREE-Caltech woodframe project
New Open-front Light-frame Structures: Design Recommendations
New Open-front Light-frame Structures: Design Recommendations Issue: Current code permits construction of potentially hazardous buildings
New Open-front Light-frame Structures: Design Recommendations Resources: CUREE-Caltech Woodframe Project Analytical study by Jian Xu – WSU TS7 work from 2003 Provisions
New Light-frame Structures with Masonry Veneer: Design Recommendations Issues: Demands on light-frame structure from masonry veneer Anchorage of veneer to structure Resources: NSF/NEES Project
Issue Team Recommendations for Wood & CFS Mid-rise light-frame shear wall buildings New soft-story structures New hillside structures New open front structures Light-frame structures with masonry veneer