City Council 2642 Second Street Appeal of Landmarks Commission Approval of Certificate of Appropriateness 07CA-009 February 12, 2008
City Council February 12, nd Street Project Location nd Street – 3 rd Street Neighborhood Historic District OP2 Zoning District Non-Contributing Structures on site 50’W x 100’D 7,500 SF
City Council February 12, nd Street Neighborhood Context Subject Property & Surrounding Properties on 2 nd Street
City Council February 12, nd Street Project Rendering
City Council February 12, nd Street Primary Elevation
City Council February 12, nd Street North Elevation
City Council February 12, nd Street South Elevation
City Council February 12, nd Street Rear Elevation
City Council February 12, nd Street Landmarks Commission Findings Project Complies with Required Finding for Approval SMMC (b) (4): That in the case of any proposed construction of a new improvement on any parcel located within the District boundaries, the exterior features of such new improvement and its placement on the property would not adversely affect and not be disharmonious with the District character as set forth in Section , and with the scale, materials and massing of the contributing structures within the District.
City Council February 12, nd Street Landmarks Commission Findings Project Complies with Required Finding for Approval SMMC (b) (4): The project’s overall design concept is compatible with the character of the District and responsive to its context on Second Street. Project’s restrained modern design, building form, low height, and articulated building volumes are harmonious with the scale & massing of Contributing Structures. Project’s use of sand finish stucco, teakwood framed fenestration, and use of reclaimed wood screens reflect in a contemporary, respectful, and compatible manner traditional elements of the District’s architecture.
City Council February 12, nd Street Summary of Appeal Statement The proposed project damages the character of the District and is incompatible with the District’s dominant architectural character found in its California bungalows. The project does not comply with the criteria for issuance of a Certificate of Appropriateness contained in SMMC Section The project’s massing, style, building shape, and materials do not complement the surrounding contributing structures in the District as required in the District Design Guidelines.
City Council February 12, nd Street Appeal Analysis The project is compatible with the character of the District and its context on Second Street. The project is compatible with a variety of architectural styles represented in Contributing Structures (e.g., American Colonial Revival, Victorian, Spanish Colonial Revival). Criteria for issuance of a Certificate of Appropriateness is contained in SMMC Chapter 9.40 (Chapter does not apply in the District) Proposed project complies with all criteria for new construction in the District Design Guidelines.
City Council February 12, nd Street District Design Guidelines Guidelines – New Construction Use exterior materials traditionally found in the Third Street neighborhood, such as wood and stucco. Project incorporates significant wood cladding and sand finish stucco. Primary and north elevations: teak wood framed fenestration, reclaimed ponderosa wood siding, wood trellis detail. South elevation features wood accents to unify north, south and east elevations. Materials reinforce design concept and meet Guidelines.
City Council February 12, nd Street District Design Guidelines Guidelines – New Construction Maintain setbacks, heights, and overall building shapes that are similar to surrounding contributing buildings in the historic district. Site planning responds to neighborhood context. 20’ - 23’ building height is consistent with scale of neighborhood. Flat roof and simple rectangular volumes are consistent with historic architecture in the District. Creates an understated backdrop to highlight historic architecture.
City Council February 12, nd Street Neighborhood Context Subject Property & Surrounding Properties on 2 nd Street
City Council February 12, nd Street District Design Guidelines Guidelines – New Construction Use windows and architectural details at the street level to create a pedestrian scale and a “neighbor-friendly” character. Include a clearly defined main entrance that is oriented toward the street. And … Parking should be at the rear of the property. Ample teak wood framed fenestration with divided lights at primary, street-facing elevation. Clearly-defined main entrance. Wood siding, trellis, & plantings add interest at street level. Building volumes are distinct in order to break up perceived massing. Detached garage at rear of parcel.
City Council February 12, nd Street Conclusion Staff Recommendation: Uphold Landmarks Commission’s approval of the Certificate of Appropriateness and deny the appeal Project meets finding for Certificate of Appropriateness, including: - Compatible with District character - Scale, massing & design complements a a variety of Contributing Structures in District - Utilizes materials traditionally found in District Complies with District Design Guidelines for New Construction