ABOUT MRS. AAGAARD BS Elementary Education, Seton Hall University NJ Certificate K-8 Elementary Education, Reading, Nursery School 17 years teaching experience in Catholic schools Committee member for HSA Math PLC
DAILY MORNING ROUTINE Morning Routine: Students arrive before 7:50AM Students unpack and complete 3 Do Nows Math Problem of the Day Writing Prompt Daily Language Morning Prayer and Pledge Pray together as class, recite the pledge of allegiance, and repeat the Character Pledge Morning Snack Snack time between 9-9:30am Students are asked to bring a peanut free/ healthy snack. No candy please.
SEND IN NOTES Please send a note in to school if there is a change in your pick up routine for the day. Please send in a note following an absence, explaining the reason for the absence. If any money is sent into school, please send it in an envelope with the child’s name and grade.
SUBJECTS COVERED IN 3 RD GRADE Math: Place Value, Multiplication, Division, etc Science: Life, Physical, and Earth science Social Studies: Communities Language Arts Reading Vocabulary Grammar Writing Religion Technology Specials
SPECIALS SCHEDULE MONDAY : Gym8:45 – 9:15 TUESDAY: Library12: WEDNESDAY: Art1-1:30 THURSDAY: Spanish9: Gym 1-1:30 FRIDAY: Music8:45-9:15 Technology: at least once a week
HOMEWORK Homework must be written down daily and found on class website Homework must be completed and returned by due date Parents are asked to check Take Home Folder and assignment pads nightly Uncompleted Homework Policy: 1 st Offense: Note home to Parent 2 nd Offense: Loses 10 minutes of recess Repeated Offenses: Conference requested with parents
READING LOG To encourage reading at home, each child will be required to read for 15 minutes a day and record title of book in Reading Log Parents must initial reading log nightly
GRADING Please note that this year Special Classes will report numerical grades for students. Grades 3-8: Grades will be reported numerically instead of a letter grade A A93-96 B B85-88 C C75-79 D70-74 F69 and below
TEST AND QUIZZES Tests and quizzes are listed on HW board and website Students will be notified 3-5 days ahead of test Test/quizzes will be sent home in Test Folders on Mondays HW/Classwork will be kept on LEFT pocket of Test Folder – Keep at home Please sign the front page of stapled test packet and return next day in folder.
POWERSCHOOL Grades will be posted on PowerSchool within 7 days of due date ( Projects may take longer to post) Log in with your username and password PowerSchool portal web address will be listed on your log in instructions See Mrs. Zielenski for any questions
SCHOOL WEBSITE Please check the school website and my teacher’s page daily Homework will be posted daily School and Lunch calendar can be found here
POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT Storm Bucks Students can earn “ Storm Bucks” for good behavior Following class rules, doing a kind deed, having a neat desk, being prepared for class, etc Students can owe “Storm Bucks” for not following class rules Getting out of seat without permission, calling out, talking, etc Storm Bucks can be redeemed at Class Store once a month Students are responsible for keeping track of the Storm Bucks in their “wallets”
CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT Bucket Fillers Program Students read a story “Have you filled a bucket today?” and discussed ways to fill and empty others’ buckets Students write a nice thing about a different classmate and put it in their paper bucket On Fridays, students empty their buckets and read their kind notes I am stressing the importance of responsibility on the students’ part this year so please encourage your children to be responsible for their own actions!
THANK YOU! I am looking forward to a terrific year in third grade!