The Elements and Principles of Art
Why should you know them? Visual grammar. Making choices. Recognizing how art was created. Arrangement can make or break. Applies to many parts of life.
Elements of Art Basic visual symbols in the language of art. Building Materials Line, Value, Shape, Texture, Space, and Color.
Principles of Art Rules that govern how artists organize the elements of art. Blueprints Variety, Balance, Proportion, Rhythm, Movement, and Emphasis
Elements Principles Line Value Shape Texture Space Color Variety Balance Proportion Rhythm Movement Emphasis
Line In drawing, line is a mark drawn with a pointed, moving tool.
Line Direction Vertical Horizontal Diagonal Curved
Line Variation Lines can vary in Length Width Texture Direction Degree of curve
Using Line Contour Line Defines the edges and surface ridges of an object.
Using Line Gesture Lines An expressive movement.
Using Line Calligraphic Lines Usually made with brushstrokes that change from thin to thick in one stroke.
Variety The principle of design concerned with difference or contrast. Variety is achieved by adding something different to a design to provide a break in the repetition.
Variety Same subject repeated in a VARIETY of colors.
Variety VARIETY of shapes in a VARIETY of sizes.
Elements Principles Line Value Shape Texture Space Color Variety Balance Proportion Rhythm Movement Emphasis
Value The art element that describes the darkness or lightness of an object.
Rembrandt and Value
Balance Is the principle of design concerned with equalizing visual forces, or elements, in a work of art.
Formal Balance Occurs when equal, or very similar, elements are placed on opposite sides of a central axis.
Symmetrical Balance A special type of formal balance in which two halves of a balanced composition are identical, mirror images of each other.
Radial Balance Occurs when the forces or elements of a design come out (radiate) from a central point.
Informal Balance A balance of unlike objects.
Elements Principles Line Value Shape Texture Space Color Variety Balance Proportion Rhythm Movement Emphasis
Shape A two dimensional area that is defined in some way. Three types: Geometric Free-form Organic
Geometric Shapes Precise shapes that can be described using mathematical formulas.
Free-form Shapes Irregular and uneven shapes.
Organic Shapes Shapes that resemble those found in nature.
Proportion The principle of art concerned with the size relationship of one part to another.
Proportion Foreshortening- is to shorten an object to make it look as if it extends backward into space.
Proportion Hierarchical Proportion- when figures are arranged in a work of art so scale indicates importance.
Proportion Exaggeration and Distortion- deviations from expected, normal proportions.
Elements Principles Line Value Shape Texture Space Color Variety Balance Proportion Rhythm Movement Emphasis
Texture Texture is the element of art that refers to how things feel, or appear to feel.
How to Create Texture Rubbing-placing paper over the surface and rubbing the top of the paper with crayon or pencil to get the texture.
Rhythm The principle of design that indicates movement by the repetition of elements.
Pattern- decorative visual repetition.
Elements Principles Line Value Shape Texture Space Color Variety Balance Proportion Rhythm Movement Emphasis
Space The element of art that refers to the emptiness or area between, around, above, below, or within objects.
Space Positive Space- shapes or forms in a work of art. Negative Space- empty spaces surrounding shapes and forms.
Ways to Create Space Perspective
Movement- the illusion of action or physical change.
Elements Principles Line Value Shape Texture Space Color Variety Balance Proportion Rhythm Movement Emphasis
Color Reflected light.
Color Wheel Primary Colors- red, yellow, blue Secondary Colors- orange, green, purple
Complementary Colors the colors opposite each other on the color wheel.
After Image
Emphasis Makes one part of a work dominant over the other parts.
Focal Point