1 APPROACHING DECISION MAKERS Project : “Idea” Institute of Entrepreneurship Development, Larissa, Greece University of the Aegean, Mytilene, Greece
2 WHO TO APPROACH… (Target group for Greece: 18-25, unemployed) (1)The Ministry of National Education and Religious Affairs The Organisation for Vocational Education and Training (OEEK) which organizes public Vocational Training Institutes (IEK) and supervises private ones (IVET) The General Secretariat of Lifelong Learning (GGDVM), The General Secretariat of Adult Education (GGEE) The Institute of Lifelong Adult Education (IDEKE) Second Chance Schools (SDE) for adults Adult Training Centres (KEE) Centre of Distance Lifelong Education (KE.DVM.AP). Prefectural Committees of Adult Education (NELE) The Hellenic Open University (EAP) – (Lifelong learning at a tertiary level)
3 WHO TO APPROACH… (Target group for Greece: 18-25, unemployed) (2) The Ministry of Labour and Social Protection The Manpower Employment Organization (OAED) Vocational Training Institutes (IEK) - IVET Vocational Training Centers (KEK) - CVET The National Accreditation Centre for Vocational Training Structures (EKEPIS) which accredits Vocational Training Centers (KEKs) - CVET
4 WHO TO APPROACH… (Target group for Greece: 18-25, unemployed) (3) Other Ministries who promote CVET programmes The Ministry of the Interior, Public Administration and Decentralization: The National Centre for Public Administration and Local Government (EKDDA) The Ministry of Rural Development and Food (YPAAT): The Organization of Agricultural Vocational Education Training and Employment (OGEEKA) The Ministry of Tourism
5 WHO TO APPROACH… (Target group for Greece: 18-25, unemployed) (4) Social Partners who implement CVET programmes The Federation of Greek Industries The Institute for Industrial and Vocational Training The National Confederation of Hellenic Commerce the Development Centre of Greek Commerce The Greek General Confederation of Labour The General Confederation of Professionals, Craftsmen and Tradesmen
6 WHO TO APPROACH… (Target group for Greece: 18-25, unemployed) (5) Guidance settings : Education Sector Career & Counseling Centers - KE.SY.P Career Services Offices for Universities & Technological Educational Institutes (GD)
7 WHO TO APPROACH… (Target group for Greece: 18-25, unemployed) (5) Guidance Settings: Employment Sector Employment Offices for Special Social Groups by the Greek Manpower Organization (OAED) Centers for Promotion to Employment (K.P.A.) by the Greek Manpower Employment Organization (OAED) Information Offices for the Unemployed and Businesses (GEA) Information Office for the Unemployed and Businesses - Greek Workers’ Confederation (G.S.E.E) Information Centre for the Employed and Unemployed (KE.PE.A) The Hellenic Society of Counseling and Guidance (ELESYP)
8 HOW TO APPROACH… (2) PRESENTATION & ARGUEMENTATION: tools, necessity of assessing “soft skills”, “good practices” in other countries (1) NTRODUCTION OF THE PROJECT “IDEA”: definition of “soft skills”, target group and aims of the project (3) ORGANIZATION OF WORKSHOPS, CONFERENCES Brochures of the project Introducing website Articles-Surveys about “soft skills”Short/long version of Policy Paper Tool Box of “soft skills” assessment (reliability) Employability: how necessary “soft skills” are Handbook for experts to assess Documentation of assessment: “a certificate” Good practices: the example of Denmark, Sweden Organize a national expert Conference: multipliers, public administration, political representatives, potential “assessors” Organize a Conference or Workshops for potential “users” of the assessment tools: young people, unemployed, students
9 HOW TO APPROACH… more details… Establishment of what activities in the VET system could address the needs for soft skills and which institutions could use the assessment tools. Identifying examples of good/innovative practices in other countries. Identification of the term “soft skills” and description of their increasing importance in working life (new forms of working). Documents: information from research and future-oriented studies/papers which deal with the need for soft skills Draw policy recommendations aimed at ensuring that soft skills are satisfactorily developed among post-secondary students, new labour market entrants and the existing workforce.
10 RECOGNITION – “CERTIFICATE” Reaching a Consensus…. Launch a national skills improvement movement: “Development of ‘hidden’ competencies” Towards A “soft skills” Certificate A document widely recognized as part of a personal portfolio – “skills literacy” Also included in an online “skills” portfolio Recognized by: (1)Educational structures (2)Employment structures (3)Social Partners (4)Private Sector Partnership Agreement Promoted as a crucial part of a CV – European CV New legislation on the political agenda. New regulation passed by the government and the parliament regarding the recognition of “soft skills” The Ministries involved in the VET system and the labour market should co-operate in the following areas: -- Development of a “skills-portfolio” based on the reliability of a relevant “skills Certificate” -- Making companies, employees, employer organization and the public more aware of the importance and the assessment of ‘soft skills’ A “soft skills” Certificate used in Vocational Education & Training programmes, in Basic Adult Education, in Degrees & Diplomas, in Universities, in Guidance-Counseling settings (1) Regarded as further “qualification” (2) Receive ‘credits’ for certain procedures (educational-occupational) (3) Pre-requisite for entering (a) the workplace, (b) further education structures
11 RECOGNITION – “CERTIFICATE” Reaching a Consensus…. Launch a national skills improvement movement: “Development of ‘hidden’ competencies” Towards A “soft skills” Certificate Information & Networking Campaign aiming at unemployed people, Establishment of a counseling Web portal that provides information about the “soft skills” documentation TV campaign, conferences, seminars, meetings with public & private sector structures concerning the VET system and the employment A “soft skills” Certificate could be obtained: In post-secondary Education In third-level Education In adult Education In Vocational Programmes In Working Life In E-learning Programmes /Courses/Diplomas/Degrees
12 LONG-TERM AIMS OF THE PROJECT IN GREECE The acquisition & development, on an on-going basis, of soft skills proficiency and use (certification). This would be critical for maintaining and improving both the competitiveness and the employability. The development of soft skills should form an explicit and integral part of the national policy agenda, both in respect of enterprise development and of education/training. Integration of ‘soft skills’ within “normal” programmes of all levels (curricula-learning processes) or The development of nationally certified stand-alone modules at different levels for various elements of ‘soft skills’ Aim at being extended to national vocational qualifications (independed of context) Broaden the potential for individual flexibility and for skill accumulation & transfer
13 STILL A LONG WAY TO GO….. Thank you for your attention!