High School Level Response to Intervention (R.t.I.) Hanford High School
R.T.I. –Taking labels off students –Support and interventions for all students
RTI Pyramid Model Tier 1 –Core instruction –Preventative and proactive Tier 2 –Targeted group interventions –At risk students in high efficiency programs Tier 3 –Intensive interventions –Individual interventions of longer duration
Tier 1- Core Curriculum General courses in core subjects Honors courses Advanced Placement courses Numerous electives –Core subjects –Foreign language –Music and Fine arts –Vocational –P.E.
Tier 2: Reading and Writing Supplemental Curriculum 9 th Grade – LA 9 and Social Studies Support Classes –Qualification process RIT on reading MAP AND Not meeting standard on 7 th grade reading &/or writing WASL 10 th Grade –LA 10 and Social Studies Support classes –Qualification process RIT and teacher recommendation 11 th /12 th Grade – American Lit Support (11 th ) or Reading/Writing workshop (12 th ) –Qualification process Not meeting standard on 10 th grade reading and/or writing WASL –COE
Tier 2: Math Supplemental Curriculum 9 th Grade – Algebra 1 and Math Lab (2 periods each day) –Qualification process RIT in math AND Not meeting standard on 7 th grade math WASL –Credits: Math and Elective 10 th Grade –Algebra Concepts or Geometry Concepts –Some qualify for 2 Periods each day with same teacher Based on RIT and Teacher recommendation 11 th /12 th Grade –Options: Algebra 2 (if passed Geometry) or Segmented Math –Qualification process Not meeting standard on 10 th grade math WASL –COE in Segmented Math
Tier 2: Science Supplemental Curriculum 9 th Grade –Physics Concepts and Earth Concepts (1 sem. each) –Qualification process Not meeting standard on 8 th grade science WASL 10 th Grade –Biology Concepts –Qualification process RIT and teacher recommendation 11 th /12 th Grade –Class TBD to support students who do not meet standard on 10 th grade WASL
Tier 3-Intensive Instruction Life Skills /ERR programs as appropriate –WAAS Portfolio –DAW –IEP diploma Reading and Writing Support: READ 180 –Qualification process 206 reading RIT and below –2 hours each day –Infuse Jane Schafer writing, writing modules and portfolio into Read 180 curriculum –Infuse Social studies content into Read 180 curriculum –Credits: LA and Social Studies Math Support: Accelerated Math and Algebra Prep –Qualification process RIT –2 hours each day –Credits: Math and Elective
Other General R.T.I. Interventions Upperclassmen Mentors for each freshmen (Tier 1-3) Learning lab available for all types of students who need additional assistance (Tier 2-3) Summer Modules (Tier 2) Science Support Classes (Tier 2)
Possible Student Schedules T3 Student Read 180 Math Math lab Science Elective T2 Student LA support SS support Math Science Elective T1 Student LA 9 SS Algebra 1 Science Elective T2 Student LA support SS support Math Math lab Science Elective
Classes for Sped and ESL teachers Read 180 GLE math Learning Lab Beginning ESL Life Skills/ERR
What additional funding is available? The following funding sources will decrease class size in remedial courses –Special Services –ESL –I-728 –PAS
Thank you !! Questions??Ideas??