St. Luke’s High School Primary 7 Parents’ Information Evening 28th May 2015 Welcome/Introduction Literature/CfE/Evaluations/Map of the school Transition/Cluster Programme: So far and future Guides/Student Leadership Lockers (arrangements) Dressing for Excellence Programme
Literature/CfE/Evaluations/Map of the school ICT User Agreements Photography and Digital Recording of Pupils Consent East Renfrewshire Council Education Department: GUIDELINES ON THE SAFE USE OF THE INTERNET, ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS AND MOBILE TECHNOLOGIES Internet and Online Safety Severe Weather Arrangements
Transition/Cluster Programme: So far and future
Guides/Student Leadership
Day-to-Day Breakfast/Break/Lunch Cashless Catering – Young Scot Card/Number Home Lunch Timekeeping / absence
Lockers - arrangements
Dressing for Excellence Uniform PE Kit
St. Luke’s High School Learning Together
Parent Council
Recognising Achievement
Pupil Planners
Home Learning
Home Learning (2)
Home Learning (3)