You made it back alive…Congratulations! Do any of these words describe your current experience? Stress Late nights Marking… and more marking Planning Nervousness Hugs from students Tears Caffeine Excitement
Today’s Agenda Individual musings and reflections - (15 min) Small group sharing (Groups of 3) - (45 min) Large group discussion - (60 min) Portfolio sharing (discussions regarding your current accumulation of professional materials) LUNCH BREAK Guest - Ms. Michelle Kilborn (60 min) Individual responses - highlights and greatest example(s) of growth thus far. (small groups) Final thoughts
Individually we would like you to answer the following questions: 1. What I have learned most so far is…? 2. I have been disappointed about…? 3. I now can appreciate better…? 4. I need to work on….? 5. My most memorable experience thus far is? 6. Advice for future PE majors
Small group sharing In groups of three or four, please take turns responding to each of the individual questions you have just answered by yourself.
Large Group Discussion Questions from the floor (brainstorming, on board) Focused questions: What makes the program that you are in unique, if anything? What novel assessment practices are in place, if any? What do your students enjoy about PE? What do students not enjoy about PE? Is there any evidence of technology integration in the PE program? What would you do differently if you were employed as a PE teacher in the school? What effective management techniques have you learned or developed? Which, if any, types of teaching styles have you observed thus far? Do you have any idea of how PE was perceived by other teachers or administration?
Break-10 Minutes
Small groups…Again With the people in your groups we would like you each to pass around your portfolios and day-planners (if you are keeping one) and speak about how you are keeping yourself organized and other highlights within each of the respective documents you have brought.
Lunch Break - 30 min
Guest Presentation Ms. Michelle Kilborn (Curriculum manager for Wellness Programs at Alberta Education) Phone
Individual Musings Feel free to stand up and talk about your experience and the kinds of things you have already taught and learned. What grade level of physical education would you enjoy teaching this fall, other subjects? Why? What do you see as your greatest strength now as your practicum is at the half way mark? What must you work on prior to accepting your first paid teaching job?
Comments from Professors This midpoint evaluation should be submitted to your mentor teacher on Monday (March 17) fs/Midpoint%20Evaluation.doc fs/Midpoint%20Evaluation.doc It is also worth taking a look at the ATA guidelines on Professional Development which includes things like formats for Professional Growth Plans, etc. eacher+Professional+Growth+Plans/