A. Health and physical education are not required to the extent that they once were. B. Students do not need health and physical education as much as they once did. C. Health and physical education concepts are difficult to integrate. D. Schools have too many students who need health and physical education.
A. differentiating between accurate and inaccurate information B. identifying best source of up-to-date information C. working in small groups to create Web sites D. learning how to and chat
A. More free time is spent on television and video games. B. Children learn bad habits from Internet information. C. Children spend less time in physical education classes. D. The Internet is an unreliable source of health information.
A. videos and Web sites B. simulations and tutorials C. heart monitors and simulations D. multimedia and VR
A. digitizing devices B. VR hardware C. video cameras D. heart-rate monitors
A. simulations B. handheld computers C. interactive video D. heart-rate monitors
A. video cameras B. simulations C. videos D. heart-rate monitors
A. allowing students to practice with real-life models. B. providing step-by-step explanations of scientific principles. C. making it possible for students to see examples of sports in action. D. increasing students' motivation to participate in sports.
A. PE Portfolio. B. Muscle Flash. C. SportsSticker D. ESPN SportsFigures.
A. nutrition analysis. B. spreadsheets C. heart monitors. D. WebQuests.
A. SportsCad. B. SHIPPS. C. Wii. D. TPACK.
A. It improves their opportunities to participate in sports. B. It keeps them updated on sports developments. C. It puts students in contact with sports figures whom they admire. D. It connects students and gives them opportunities to interact.
A. nutritional analysis programs B. videos that analyze the ingredients of foods C. simulations on healthful behaviors D. tutorials on healthful lifestyles
A. showing streaming video examples of unhealthful choices B. WebQuests on authentic health-related problems C. letting students discuss healthful behaviors in chat rooms D. doing simulations on healthful and unhealthful choices
A. Have students use chat rooms to integrate issues in several areas. B. Have students create multimedia products that address several areas. C. Work with teachers in other areas to create shared test-item banks. D. Develop a Web site that integrates all content areas.